Chapter 1
Race Migrations: Prehistoric

Written records cover but a short last chapter in human history. To grasp the results of the contact of races, it is necessary to push back the curtain of history and trace earlier events; for prehistoric race migrations determined the present locations of the races in the Old World and peopled the New World. For many thousands of years, the three great divisions of mankind (white, yellow and black) existed substantially as we find them at the dawn of civilization. In the earlier period, as in the later, portions of these primary divisions of the human family changed their abodes, carrying with them in intellect and culture the germs of their later development.

No continent is inhabited exclusively by one race; even Europe is not altogether a White man's continent. The Mongol's descendants are in the north (Finns and Lapps) and in the east (Bulgars, Huns and Turks), while in the extreme south (southern provinces of Portugal, Spain and Italy), there is considerable infusion of Negro blood.

Nor is Asia occupied wholly by the yellow man; for this vast continent has for ages been the meeting place of the three races, and a large proportion of its inhabitants are their mongrel offspring. Africa is not, nor in the past has it been, a black man's land. The Hamites, who in earliest record occupied its northern shores and eastern prolongation, were not Negroes. The true Hamite is Caucasian. The Hamitic domination of North Africa yielded to the conquering Aryan, the Aryan to the Arab Semite, and the Semite, in turn, to the modern European --the English, French, Spanish and Italian-- all of whom are of the white race. (See notes at the end of this chapter.)

Because of the absence of written record, we are not to infer that the determining of prehistoric migrations is a task yielding doubtful results. Race movement, particularly that of the Caucasian, is determinable by race culture which has everywhere way marked Caucasian migrations; whilst the physical modification of the peoples with whom the White man has come into contact furnishes also satisfactory data. Language, too, may be offered as evidence. But such evidence, while valuable, is not always "No; for the white man has often imposed his language upon the non-white and, in turn, he has, in some instances, acquired the tongues of other races. When two races come into permanent contact, there is blood amalgamation, creating a mongrel race; but the language of the one or the other will prevail. "No language is mixed in its inner mechanism."

Mankind grouped in race divisions has ever been in a state of flux, moving, counter-moving, conquering, amalgamating. Just as in recorded history we know that the Caucasian has been in motion, restless, daring, seeking unknown lands and dominating other peoples; so, in the vast period before the light of record, we can infer that such were his characteristics, for it is certain that no race has suddenly assumed world domination. Such pre-eminence implies ages of preparation.

Civilization dawns upon the Nile and the Euphrates, and, after some centuries, its center is shifted to Greece. But before Socrates and Plato taught, the Eastern Aryans (Nordics) had transplanted Caucasian culture along the Indus and the Ganges, and had penetrated through India to Oceanic. Rome, Carthage and Greece struggled for supremacy and Rome prevailed. After five centuries of conflict, Rome's scepter passed to Germanic hands and since that time, apart from the temporary ascendency of the Moslem Arab, Teutonic peoples have dominated progress. Thus is briefly summarized the shifting of higher culture centers for the past ten thousand years, all of which owe origin and sustenance to Caucasian peoples.

But scientific research and exploration enable us to peer beyond this short period in human history into the untold ages of which there is no written record. Anthropology, archaeology, and philology have given up their secrets to the extent of enabling scientists to deduce reasonable conclusions as to race origins and to follow more certainly race movements. The constancy of skull formation, identifying the race type of skeletal remains; the remote antiquity of the implements of primitive man found in his caves and burial mounds; the dispersion throughout vast areas of allied language groups give data no less certain than written history in determining early race movements.

While the present peoples of Europe, which for convenience were groped together as the Caucasian race, have left their impress by a modification of the physical type of the races with which they have dwelt, and to a certain extent have modified their speech, yet the most conspicuous waymark of their migrations is not their mongrel offspring, nor the spread of the Caucasic tongue, but their great stone monuments, their burial mounds, and the ruins of their ancient cities. Hybrid groups have migrated to localities which have not been occupied by the true Caucasian, and, likewise, peoples who have learned a Caucasic speech; but the white man's cultural centers cannot have arisen in any portion of the world where the White man has not been. However, these cultural centers of the early white man nowhere exist apart from mongrel Caucasic peoples, while speech also often attests the white man's earlier presence.

Great numbers of the megalithic monuments, which mark generally the distribution of the early Mediterranean race, are in North Africa and in North and West Europe. From these centers the monuments or well defined burial mounds extend in two routes across Asia; a northern route through Siberia, Manchuria and Korea into Japan, and an southern route beginning in North Africa and passing through Asia Minor and Arabia into India and Oceania. Similar monuments are found elsewhere in territory occupied by the early white man, but the routes indicated mark their main extensions.

The ancient monuments, the use of which was to mark the burial places of the early Caucasian, exist in two types, the cell and the block, which have developed into the modern family vault and the tombstone. The block type was used to designate the location of the cell type, which was covered by a mound.

The value of these widely dispersed prehistoric monuments as waymarks in following the migrations of the early White man is recognized by ethnologists. J. McMillan Brown calls them "a Caucasian track across the earth." (Maori and Polynesian, p.7) E.B. Taylor speaks of the "rude stone monuments which may be traced in a remarkable line on the map." (Anthropology, p. 349.) A.H. Keane, one of the foremost British ethnologists, places great emphasis upon their value. "More important, especially in connection with early migrations, is the subject of the geographical distribution of the neolithic monuments. Broadly speaking...all the stone structures of the cell and block types were mainly confined in Asia to the south (Naga, Khasi and Jaintea Hills, the Deccan south of the Vindyha Range, Iranian, Asia Minor, Moab, Syria, Palestine, Arabia); in Africa to Mauritania taken in its widest sense (Tripolitana to the Atlantic); in Europe to the south (Crimea, Mediterranean Islands, Iberia); the west (Gaul, Belgium, and the British Isles); and the north (Scandinavia)." (Ethnology, p. 133.)

This megalithic engineering skill is not a stage in the development of the several races. It is not found among blacks or yellows. The Asiatics, in whose countries these monuments are found, are the mixbreed descendants of the megalithic builders, or later intruders.

The monuments along the ancient migrant routes show that the Caucasian of the stone age, like his descendants of today, was a maritime race, the only race that has not halted at the sea.* The monuments generally adhere to the seas or to minor war courses. Water is an effective barrier to the Negro's advance. The yellow man is not so helpless as the black, but, unmixed with the white, he has not proved himself a water migrant. The White man only is undeterred by ocean wave.

*(The Nordic race is master of the sea as it is master of the land, but the Mediterranean race has distinguished itself upon the water. The Phoenecians were Mediterraneans. The Polynesians in colonizing the remote islands of the Pacific Ocean proved that race to be among the world's greatest sailors, but the Polynesians were clearly not of the yellow or black races, though at the present time they may show admixture with both of these races.)

The white man of the later stone age reached the Pacific Ocean at two points some three thousand miles apart. From northern Europe through Asia to Japan; from northern Africa through Arabia and India to the East Indies and to furthest Polynesia. In remote Easter Island he placed his monuments of stone. Between the points where the neolithic whites reached the Pacific there is also evidence of early Caucasian megalithic culture. From Japan, "the megalithic Caucasian seagoing race...unMongolized, went south into Polynesia," (Maori and Polynesian, p. 60, J. MacMillan Brown.) while the Caucasian of the southern route, migrating northwards along the coast of Asia and the adjacent islands, reached the Philippines. In doing this, the migrants of the southern rote cut across the line of movement of those of the northen route. Thus, after thousands of years of separation, Caucasic groups met in the islands of the Pacific.

In the islands nearer the mainland, the Caucasian type has been highly modified by inter-breeding with the yellow and black races, but in the more distant islands of Polynesia the Caucasian type is strikingly maintained. There the inhabitants "have a singularly European appearance," and "early voyagers broke into raptures over the beauty of the women and the stalwart grace of the men." However, there is also race admixture in the remotest islands of Polynesia. The most that can be said with regard to the purity of race is that Caucasian blood predominates. "There are traces of the Negroid even among the upper classes." (A. H. Keane, Ethnology, p. 283.) This Negro blood has come from the Asiatic branch of the Negro race which is now almost extinct as a pure type on the mainland, but abounds in Oceania, and whose earlier domain must have "included the whole of Polynesia, as far as Easter Island in the extreme east, Hawaii and New Zealand in the extreme north and south." (ibid., 283) The racial status of the inhabitants of the islands south and southeast of Asia may possibly be summarized by stating that in the Melanesians group of islands Negro blood predominates, while in the Polynesian group the inhabitants are yet fundamentally Caucasian. But Mongolian blood is also widely dispersed in this area.

The Negro's migrations in early times were probably determined by pressure from the whites, as his later movements have been. The white man's contact with the Negro dates from a distant prehistoric age. Such contact has not been restricted to the western or African branch of the Negro race, but has extended in the eastern (Asiatic or Oceanic) branch as well. It will be necessary for the reader to keep in mind the prolonged contact of the various races. A well known British authority dealing with Negro history says, "About 10,000 years ago (at a guess), a Caucasian race allied to modern Libyans and Syrians took possession of the lower Nile Valley, supplanting and absorbing the aborigines...These ancestors of the great Egyptian peoples, together with allied tribes, pressed down on Negro Africa, mingling freely with the black and brown, to whom they imparted their Neolithic civilization. The pressure of the intrusive Caucasians gradually drove the pure blood Negro peoples into the more equatorial regions of Africa, and even propelled them away from the eastern prolongation of African (Somali- and Gali-land) toward the Congo Basin, Lake Tchad, Nigeria and Gaines." (Sir Harry Johnston, Britain Across the Seas, p. 18.)

But it is held by able authorities upon the prehistoric domains of the various races that occupation of North Africa by Caucasian peoples long antedates ten thousand years. The Egyptians of the great civilization were a White, not a colored people. The Negroid features so prevalent among the present inhabitants of Egypt are the result of the white Egyptian's absorption of Negro blood.

Caucasian pressure upon North Africa was not hurried; it required thousands of years to shift the true Negro to his present locations; nor was it complete, for the white race throughout this period interbred with the Negro, creating a mixbreed population which inhabits the most of Africa north of the equator and whose southern migrations at a later date brought them along the East Coast to Cape Town, at the extreme south of the continent.

As the present-day French are recruiting Negroes in Africa to use in their warfare, so in Egypt, "In the sixth dynasty, about 2000 B.C., the celebrated inscriptions of Prince Uni make mention of the Nashi, or Negroes, who were levied and drilled by the tens of thousands for the Egyptian army." (E. B. Taylor, Anthropology, p. 3) Evidence of the early use of the Negro as soldier in the warfare of the whites implies still earlier and extensile contact with that race. From this contact with the Caucasian the Negro, in some degree, acquired Caucasian culture. He was taught the use of the white man's weapons, and from t he white man received domestic animals. "Egyptian civilizaton penetrated far and wide through Negro Africa. It may have been almost instrumental in saving the Negro and the bushman from relapsing into such a beastlike condition of life that, if much longer pursued, it might have cut off this division of the human race from complete community with us in all the attributes of humanity. From ancient Egypt the Negro and the negroid derived all the domestic animals and cultivated plants he knew and made use of (except, perhaps the dog), down to the coming of the modern Arabs and Portuguese. From Egypt there gradually spread through Negro Africa religious beliefs, the use first of stone and then of metal weapons, musical instuments, the art of weaving, and possibly of canoe making or boat building." (Sir Harry H. Johnston, Britain Across the Seas, pp. 28-30.)

It is an interesting study, this age-long retreat of the true Negro from his home on the Nile to his present locations in the forests south of the Sahara, the Congo Basin and the Atlantic littoral and hinterland of equatorial Africa.

Turning to the Asiatic branch of the Negro race, we find his dispersion widespread. De Quatrefages assigns much latitude to the early domain of the Negro on the Asiatic mainland. The degree northward of their occupation is a matter of doubt, but there is certainly a Negroid fringe along much of the southern coast, and there yet remain upon the mainland remnants of the Negro race in the form of pygmies, though these latter are almost extinct. The mass of the eastern branch inhabit the islands south and southeast of Asia. In these islands there are also isolated groups of the pygmy type of Negro, such as that people whom Flower calls an "infantile race" on the Andaman Islands, and the Negroid of the Philippines. This dwarf people has somehow been left behind in the course of evolution. The taller Negroids (Papuans) or "mop-heads" of certain writers may have been differentiated from the dwarf variety chiefly by evolution; certainly their type has been modified by blood admixture with yellow and white. It is the Papuans whose numbers count and whose geographical extension is important. Their blood exists in greater or less degree in most of the inhabitants of Oceania. In physical type, the Papuan is a better looking Negro than the West Coast African, but it is doubtful if the mentality of the former is of higher grade than that of the latter.

The yellow race at an early time reached its present center of population in southeastern Asia, and offshoots of that race, mixed more or less with Caucasian blood, arrived in America. The important movements of the yellow man, save the migrations to Early America, are historic rather than prehistoric, and will be outlined in subsequent chapters.

Notes to Chapter I

Race, the descendants of a common ancestor. There is wide latitude in the use of this term. Ethnologically it implies well marked spiritual and physical attributes which are transmissible by the laws governing heredity, and which serve to set apart, visibly, from the rest of mankind the group to which it is applied. We speak of the human race, the Caucasian race, the English race, etc. There is no flawless classification of the races of mankind. Such classifications as exist need revision, but for the purposes of this book the popular classifications are satisfactory. The "Caucasian race" is in reality constituted of three well-marked divisions of mankind, one of which (the Alpine) is clearly of Asiatic, not European origin. Nor is it certain that the other two are of European origin. The Nordic, in its Teutonic variation, is of European origin, but the basic stock from which it evolved may not have originated in Europe, while the Mediterranean also is probably a migrant into Europe.

Skin color, hair texture and form, skull shape and capacity, skeletal proportions, and psychic predispositions, are the main criteria of race. The pure races have had independent evolution from remote prehistoric ancestors. Like thoroughbreds among the lower animals, the members of pure races will breed true to type. In popular classification, based upon color, there are three, sometimes five, races: White, yellow and black. The so-called red and brown races may be considered mixed races or variations of the white, yellow, or black.

The White Race (Caucasian) has three well-marked divisions: Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean. All blonds throughout the world are Nordics, or are mixtures deriving their blond characteristics from the Nordic race. True blonds are tall; fair complexioned; flaxen, red, or chestnut haired; blue, grey, or hazel eyed. The Teutonic Nordic has a long skull; other Nordics are of shorter stature and have rounder skulls. This race, throughout historic record, has proved itself the "Master Race," giving to the world the Aryan language, most of science, literature, and art. Imposing themselves upon conquered peoples, branches of this race developed the ancient civilizations of Persia, India, Greece, and Rome. It is everywhere at the present time, especially in its Saxon and Frank representatives, the leader in modern civilization. The Nordic race has furnished an overwhelming proportion of soldiers, sailors, explorers, administrators, and inventors known to history. It is not now a pure race except in restricted localities, as in Scandinavia and portions of the Baltic Basin, being mixed, generally, in greater or less degree, with the blond of other races. Americas of colonial descent are fundamentally Nordic, while many Nordic immigrants have strengthened this element in the American population.

The Alpine (of Asiatic origin) is a stockily built race with round skulls, inhabiting most of Asia Minor, the most of Russia (there are many Nordics in northwestern Russia), the most of the Balkans; mixed with the Nordic in the northern half of Italy; the most of central France, with extensions into Brittany, and along a narrow strip of the northern coast of Spain. Originally the Alpines were a brunet race but are now mixed much with the Nordic, the mixtures having a tendency to show the Nordic eye, though other Nordic characteristics may not be evident. This race is credited with having initiated the age of metals in Europe.

Mediterraneans, the small, dark race surrounding the shores of the Mediterranean Sea but with western extensions to Great Britain and Ireland and eastern extensions to India. This race underlies the Nordic in Great Britain, Ireland, parts of France and Italy. There is an upper class of Nordics, superimposed; at least partially, on the Mediterraneans in Portugal and Spain. A keen witted, mentally agile race, distinguished in the arts.

These three races of Europe constitute what is popularly called the Caucasian or European race. The three, led by the Nordic, especially so in modern times, have contributed to civilization all its higher achievements. While the Nordic race has been the main factor in developing civilization it appears unfitted to complete successfully with the other favor the Nordic. In order to maintain his social position he limits the number of his children. Just as the Nordic is finally eliminated in intensive competition with the other European races, so is the entire white race endangered when in competition with the colored races.

Aryan, an early Nordic stock that, by conquest and culture, imposed its language upon many peoples. It is not possible to identify with certainty any living people as descendants of the early Aryan, but all Nordics are related, directly or indirectly, to the ancient Aryan.

Teuton, a branch of the Nordic race which for two thousand years has played the chief role in history and in civilization. Goths, Saxons, Jutes, Angles, Franks, Lombards, Burgundians, Vandals, Suevi, Varangians, Swabians, Belgians, Norsemen, and Danes over-ran Europe and conditioned modern civilization to development along Teutonic lines.

The Black or Negro race exists in great purity in the forests south of the Sahara, and in most of the Congo Basin; in the rest of Africa it is generally mixed, though often but slightly, with Mediterranean offshoots in early times (more recently with Nordics). Anciently this race occupied much of southern Asia and its blood has modified the race type of many of the inhabitants along the southern coast to, and beyond, India. In the Melanesian Islands south of Asia it is found in comparative purity. Its blood exists in greater or less degree in the Polynesian Islands.

The Yellow or Mongolian race has ethnic center int he southeast of Central Asia, where it is found in comparative purity. Mixed with the white race it extends across northern Asia from Japan to Finland and Lapland. Its blood is everywhere discernible throughout southeastern Asia and in many of the islands south of Asia.

Those who find it convenient to make additional classifications on the basis of color define as Brown the most of north and northeast Africans, the inhabitants of southern Asia Minor and southern Asia, together with many of the islanders south of Asia. This race is largely Mediterranean or a mixture of that stock with other peoples in its western extension, Mongoloid in its eastern.

The Red races is the American Indian. It shows marked Mongolian affinities in many of its representatives; its eastern tribes appear to be of Caucasian derivation.

Anthropology (physical) - The science which treats of the physical structure of man.

Archaeology - The science which treats of antiquities.

Civilization - "Civilization" is used in this treatise as a term which includes the total of the white race's material and spiritual culture. Racial "superiority" and "inferiority" are determined by racial cultural contributions. The white man's cultural achievements is the standard of comparison. Cultural potentialities of colored races are not denied but demonstrated cultural capacities only are used in comparing one race with another. It is assumed that the white race's relatively high culture is an evidence of "specialized" racial characters in that race. Specialized characters in any race are of later origin than "generalized" human characters, consequently are less stable; and would tend to disappear in the white man's mixbreed descendants.

Ethnology - The science which treats of the different natural races of man.

Negrophilist - Negro lover. This term is applied to certain whites in a sense similar to the Negro's characterizing a member of his race as a "white man's Negro."

Philology - The science which treats of languages.