Chapter 3
Hybrids and 'Remnants'

When two races come into contact, one will expel the other from the commonly occupied or desired territory, or the races will adjust their differences through a process of inter-race breeding, creating a mongrel race differing from the parent races but with a tendency to eliminate the specialized characters of the parent race.

This result follows from the expression of biological laws and cannot be altered by educational program, legislative decree, or any amount of philanthropic interest. The characters of the higher race will tend to be obliterated in the mongrels, for the facilities of the higher race, the intellectual qualities which give it pre-eminence, are more specialized. The generalized characters of the lower race will eventually become established in the mongrel. Certain it is that the white race is not sufficiently above culture level to produce a hybrid offspring capable of producing or maintaining higher or civilized culture. Keeping this in mind will enable us to detect the factor determining the decay of culture, which has been planted by the white man in many parts of the world.

From the thousands of years of Caucasian wanderings and conquests as outlined in the preceding chapters, we may now survey the field of race contact. The past will be made more evident if we argue from the known to the unknown.

Within recent centuries there is the example of the Teutonic colonizers of North America demonstrating the solution of a race problem by expulsion. Extermination and amalgamation were resorted to, but only in a minor degree. The Indian wars were but a negligible factoring depleting the Indian's numerical strength, and amalgamation has been of such quantity that it has nowhere materially qualified the Teutonic type. Most mixbreeds have, by law or by social custom, been accredited to the non-white races. North America is as yet essentially Caucasian. The Indian and Negro problems still exist in those portions where the races have not been separated.

Within practically the same period, during which Teutonic peoples have occupied the North American continent and retained race purity. Latin peoples, conquerors of South America, have generally sought solution of their race problem by inter-marriage with the Indians whom they found there and with the Negroes whom they brought from Africa. Thus, it may be seen that the dominant element in the North American solution of race problems is separation of races, while that of South America is inter-breeding of races.

We have ground for satisfaction in that after three hundred years of contact with the Indian and the Negro, the Teutonic type is yet preserved in North America, but it must also be borne in mind that the various sub-stocks of the Caucasian race do not have identical cultural values. The higher culture of the world today is originated and sustained by peoples of the North European breed of Caucasians. If this is accepted as unquestioned fact, what is to be the result of the migration to this country of the millions of Caucasic mongrels from South and Southeastern Europe? Such capacities as they possess they will bequeath to their offspring. Is America to remain North European in race type, or is the race that has wrought the civilization to be qualified alter by blood admixture with the hybrids of Southern and Eastern Europe? The "melting pot" process has, for a thousand years, been at white heat in Europe, resulting in fusion of the Nordic with other peoples, those whom he has subjected. The fusion of conquering Nordic with South Europeans has produced the "Latin" type in Europe. It is from the lower elements of the Latin stocks of South Europe and from the Mongolized Alpines of Southeastern Europe that we receive millions of immigrants. The future American is to be qualified by the blood of the seem migrants. If America into perpetuate the reek which has cleared the continent and established civilization, our immigration laws must speedily be remedied. Our institutions are Saxon. Institutions are the expressions of race. If peoples other than those of North European origin continue to be admitted in large numbers, their presence here will be reflected in a modification of institutions in keeping with the modification of the present race type. Apart from their depressing influence upon the economic standards of American labor, these aliens, particularly those from Eastern and Southern Europe, are spreading discontent and revolutionary propaganda. Selfish groups of Americans are truly reaping what they have sowed. That capitalism might succeeding preventing American laborers from concerted action in their struggle for better conditions, the capitalists promoted, first directly and then indirectly, the importation of many millions of inferior race stocks. Now the capitalist appeals to the American laborer of the old school to save both capital and labor from the capitalist's erstwhile favorites.

The value of the Nordic type is clearly discernible in history. The great cultures of India, Persia, Greece and Rome attest its splendid spiritual and physical qualities. In more recent times, when North Europe "boiled over" and Germanic tribes went from conquest to conquest, many of these tribes amalgamated with their subject peoples. It was the tribes that retained comparative purity which dominated future events. Angles, Saxons, Jutes, later reinforced by Scandinavians, remained comparatively pure in the British Isles, and, too, their mixture there was to some extent with an early Nordic stock which had imposed itself as conqueror upon the submerged brunette Briton. In North France, North Italy and West Russia also, the Nordic element has perpetuated itself. It is just these groups, together with the Nordics of the home land, who have led in modern progress.

It may easily be shown that inter-divisional amalgamation of the white groups has been freely practiced whenever the variant groups have dwelt in common territory. If the more capable Caucasians are reduced in ingenuity and initiative by absorbing the less capable of their own race, how much more certain is it that the Caucasian will suffer loss when absorbing those of a lower race? Let us view the white man's contact with the lower races. Such study will yield astounding results and will deal with a subject the knowledge of which is the most imperative need of civilization today.

The Hamites of North Africa were a branch of the Caucasian race to which the earliest Egyptians belonged (The true Hamites were brunette Caucasians (Mediterrarieans)). They occupied the northern shores and the eastern prolongation of the continent from remote prehistoric times. The Hematic (fundamentally so) domain at the present time extends from the Mediterranean southward to or near the equator and along the east coast as far south as British East Africa. At an early date they had migrated southward to the trans-Sahara, while their colonizing migrations westward from the East Coast brought them to the same region. The Sahara does not offer an insurmountable barrier to camel caravans at present, and it is probable that at an earlier period its territory was more thickly settled.

But, however early the Sahara may have become difficult for mass migrations, trans-Sahara, or the semi-arid strip bordering Negro-land, has been accessible from the east during the historic period. It was from the east (Somali-and Gala-land way) that the greater number of Hamites encroached upon Negro Africa.

As they encroached upon the Negro, pressing him southward into the Congo Basin and westward through the forest regions to the Atlantic Coast, creating a succession of border-lands, they everywhere interbred with him; and as a result of the many generations of racial interbreeding, there is south of the Sahara in a vast strip of land covering five degrees of latitude and extending from the Atlantic across the full breadth of Africa to the Indian Ocean, a belt of Negroid Hamites. Throughout this belt the Hematic type is evident, and in some portions of the belt this type still predominates.

Comparatively recent Arab conquests have interspersed Semitic blood generally throughout the Hematic domain. But the Semite and the Hamite were at a remote date one people. The differentiation between these groups of the Mediterranean race has not been determined so much by evolution as by the Hamites' absorption of Negro blood. That the greater portion of this large and important branch of the white race has been lost to the white world through interbreeding with the Negro is known to the ethnologist and to some historians, but, apart from such specialists, this information is generally lacking.

Not only is the race type of the mixbreed belt south of the Sahara fundamentally Hematic, especially so in its aristocracies, such as the Hima of Uganda and the Fula of Nigeria, but the language and culture is mainly of Hematic origin as well. Those languages, designated by some philologists "Sudanese" and spoken by numerous tribes throughout this Negroid belt, are essentially Hematic. By caste or other social aids toward the maintenance of the Caucasic type, certain groups have reigned as aristocrats over the surrounding Negroes. The Hima are a tall, wavy-haired, high-nosed, light-skinned aristocracy who have instituted a system of caste somewhat like that of India. But in Africa, as in Asia, caste has failed to prevent admixture. It is probable that it was not instituted until inter-breeding threatened to level aristocrat with subject people.

Crowded back into the inhospitable forest regions; the Congo Basin and the West Coast, the true Negro may, if he has knowledge for such generalization, see himself encircled by mixbreed populations as the result of his age-long retreat before the advancing whites and their later mongrel offspring. Along the northern border is the Sudanese group of mixbreeds. East and south is the Bautu, whose domain "meets the Sudanese a little north of the Cameroons on the West Coast, and about the end of Lake Albert Nyanza on the east side (within this territory there are some groups hard to distinguish from the true Negro)...The Bantu populations show marked modifications of this type (the true Negro) in their lighter color, larger cranial capacity, smaller teeth and less pronounced prognathism. They are also distinctly more intelligent, more civilized, and more capable of upward development than the full blood Negro." The Zulu-Kaffirs of the extreme southeast, who stand out conspicuously in all these respects, "are essentially mixed Negroid peoples, the dominant element being undoubtedly Negro, as shown by the universal prevalence of black, woolly hair and dark complexion, besides gross superstition associated with witchcraft of a specially Negro character." Among the Bantus, "every shade of transition is presented between the extreme Negro and the Hematic type; hence, also, the extreme impossibility of determining a clearly marked Bantu physical type, so that this term has rather a linguistic than an ethnical value." (Ethnology, A. H. Keene, pp. 271-272.)

While the white and the mixed-white have steadily encroached upon the Negro, isolating him, crossing with his race until the mixbreed inhabits of the continent outnumber the true Negro, massed encroachments alone will not account for the widespread miscegenation. True it is that mongrelization by process of race encroachment has been under way from remote times, and it is by this process that the greater number of mongrels may be accounted for. But there is another and nowise negligible factor in the Negro's distribution north and east, where amalgamation following his dwelling there has resulted in modification of the physical type of the inhabitants. Kidnaping slave-raids dating back to early Egypt and continuing down to the present generation have sent endless caravans of captive Negroes to servitude in northern and eastern Africa and western Asia.

The institution of Negro slavery is of remote origin. It is responsible for the Negro's presence in the New World and in some of the more outlying districts of the Old World. Slavery has visited upon the Negroes great hardship, but it is through slavery that they have had their chief advantage, in that "for the past ten thousand years they have been worried, disciplined, taught and saved by the invading races of the northern hemisphere." (Sir H. H. Johnston, Britain Beyond the Seas, p. 37)

The white man alone is not responsible for enslavement of the Negro, for the Negro himself has from ancient times held the weaker of his race in enforced servitude; and the mixbreeds who surround the Negro have ever enslaved him. The early era of the European slave trade, begun by the Portuguese, was marked by the purchase of slaves from their Negro or Negroid masters, rather than by slave raiding. It is said the North American colonials began the latter practice. This may be true in so far as European slave raiding is concerned, but it is certain that the more powerful Negro tribes resorted to conquest and compulsion to augment their supply of slaves, and it is equally true that the Hematic and Semitic Negroids to the north and east of the Negro domain have ever proved the most cruel of slave hunters, mercilessly destroying the older women and adult males.

We have noted that as a result of the thousands of years of Caucasian contact with Negro Africa a large part of its inhabitants are mixbreeds. The degree of mixture ranges from near-Caucasian to near Negro. The near-white element has within the past three centuries been considerably augmented in Southern Africa by Holland and British colonials interbreeding with Hottentot and Kaffir. But of the vast number of mongrels, only a small per cent are first crossings. An overwhelming majority is the result of the mongrels' reproduction of their kind. The history of Africa and of many other parts of the world seems to discredit the theory that a mongrel people may not endure.

Let us now turn to Asia, the meeting ground of the white and yellow. We saw in the previous chapters that the white race had, in prehistoric times, reached the Pacific by two routes; a northern route passing from Europe across Asia, through Siberia, Mongolia, Manchuria and Korea into Japan; a southern route from North Africa through Asia Minor, Arabia and Persia into India, and from thence by mainland and islands into furthest Polynesia. It is along these routes that white-hybrid peoples will be found. The northern route, from Lapland to Japan, is characterized by white-yellow hybrids, but along the southern route the white man came into contact with the Negro as well as the Mongolian.

We have seen also that the Mongolian race is composed of two divisions, a northern and a southern. These divisions are well marked physically. They are classified as "Siberic" and southeast, by yellow-white-black hybrids. The beginning of "Sinitic" (Briniton), speak different tongues and are possessed of a radically different history. The difference in physical appearance, language and history has been determined, in the main, by Caucasian blood, which is prevalent in the northern group but which only slightly modifies the southern. From the standpoint of their geographical distribution the Mongolian peoples are essentially mongrel race, the greater part of their vast territory being occupied by yellow-white, or, in the south such admixture dates from early times and is continuing everywhere at present.

In discussing the distribution of the Mongolian race, Keane says, "after the separation (he is alluding to that remote time when Homo Mongolicus separated from the human prototype of all the races) the parent stem continued to spread over a great part of the continent, reaching its extreme eastern limits probably in the paleolithic age, passing later southward into Malaysia, and penetrating in neolithic times into Europe, but apparently not into Africa. This early expansion of the Mongol race, of which there is monumental proof in Mesopotamia and abundant ethnical proof in Indo-China and the Amur basin, brought about fresh groupings and intermingles, not only with kindred tribes, but also with Caucasic peoples, who had already at remote times spread eastward to Japan, southeastward to India and Indo-China, and thence to Malaysia, Australia and Polynesia. Thus arose not only on the confines, but in the very heart of the Mongol domain, those Mongoloid and Caucasian aberrant groups, such as the Malaysian Indonesians, the Mesopotamian Akkads, the Dravidians of the Indian Peninsula, the Urgian Finns, the Turki peoples, wrongly called Tartars, all of whom are found fully constituted long before the dawn of history...In the presence of distinctly fair types and regular European' features in Manchuria, Korea, Yezo (Japan), Turkestan, parts of Siberia, and Malaysia, the assumption must be abandoned that these regions have always been the exclusive appanage of the yellow race." (Ethnology, pp. 297-299)

The white-yellow mongrels composing the Siberic subdivision of the Mongolian race, "all of whom were fully constituted long before the dawn of history," are in turn being subjected to continuous modification of physical type along their western border, where they are in contact with the white man of Europe and western Asia, and along their eastern front where they are in contact with the Chinese. The Siberic subdivision as classified by Brinton, comprises four groups, the Finnic (Finnish, Lappish, Magyar, Bulgarian); Tartaric (Turkish, Cossack, etc.); Japanese (Japanese, Korean); Mongolic (Kalmuk).

We cannot grasp the essentials of the color problem without having first appreciated the influence of Caucasian blood in mixbreed races of the world. The so-called Mongolians, who have on more than one occasion invaded Europe, were not yellows, but yellow-white hybrids. From Dictionary of Races or Peoples (see Reports of the U.S. Immigration Commission, 1911) we get the following: "The eastern Finns, although speaking languages similar to the western Finns, are widely different from the latter in blood, and to a great extent in civilization, The western Finns are Caucasian rather than Mongolian in appearance. The Magyars (Hungarians) are related linguistically to the Turks and Japanese; all of these belong to the great Siberic stock. But physically the Magyars and the Finns of today are not Mongolian as much as Caucasian. Because of mixture with Caucasian people, they have deviated more widely from the ancient type than have the Turks. While these latter are becoming Southern Europeans, the Magyars are often blonds, yet not so generally as are the Finns.

Then there is an undoubted white strain in Japan. The Ainus, the earliest inhabitants of Japan, are one of the most truly Caucasian people in appearance in eastern Asia...The fine' type of the aristocracy, the Japanese ideal, as distinct from the 'coarse' type, recognized by students of the Japanese of today, is perhaps due to the Ainus."

Race amalgamation, so long important in Asia, is continuing to bring the inhabitants of that continent to a uniform level. In Japan, the Ainu is slowly disappearing. On the eastern mainland, the Manchus (white-yellow hybrids) "are being absorbed more and more by the Chinese." And the Korean, "who with the Japanese form a distinctly physical group and are linguistically more nearly related to the European Mongolians (partly white)" have, until the occupation of Korea by Japan as a result of the Russo-Japanese war, undergone extensive modification by mixing with the Chinese.

And so with the Sinitic or southern division of the Mongolians. The Chinese, migrating westward and southward, have constantly practiced miscegenation, and are continuing to do so at the present time. Southward, they have come into contact with the primitive Caucasian elements, which at a remote time had reached southeastern Asia, and with Negroid elements on the mainland in Oceania.

Add to the parts of Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, which are peopled by mongrels rather than by pure races, large portions of the Western World, which, before the coming of the modern European, were peopled by yellow-white hybrids (the American Indians) and we may realize the geographical extent of race admixture.

The white race, towering high above others in cultural capacities and possessed of an untamable restlessness, has been the chief factor in world-wide mongrelization. There is no doubt as to this conclusion. Before the all-conquering Caucasian, and his hybrid offspring, the Negro proper has been forced into, and confined to, restricted areas in Africa; the true Mongolian, to the southeast of Asia. There are, of course, exceptions to this broad generalization, but it is true as to tendency. The Negro is represented in the New World, but his presence here was determined by the white man.

It remains to be considered what are the characteristics of these great mongrel masses, the result of early and later contact of races.

The known laws of biology would lead us to the conclusion that mongrelization results not so much in a blending of the race traits and capacities of the races which are parties to the crossing, as a domination of the traits and capacities of the lower or more generalized race. The heredity of the race more nearly representative of primitive man will prevail. The character of the mongrel is a mosaic, an aggregation of hereditary influences, conforming generally to the lower race, but disturbed by the urge inhering in the germ plasm of the higher. This explains why the mongrel's ability is but little above the lower race and accounts for the instability of the mongrel.

The demonstrated cultural capacities of the mongrel races will enable us also to determine with reasonable certainty the results of physical crossing which, of necessity, entails qualifications of the cultural capacities. If the history of the mongrel "races" conforms to this critical method of adjudging their characteristics, there is then no reasonable doubt that the results of the mongrelization may be observed.

There are two outstanding characteristics of these mongrel races which, it would seem, are clearly discernible from their history. They are essentially unstable in their cultural activities, and are fundamentally predacious. The civilized cultures they have acquired they have not maintained, and they have shown, everywhere and at all times, ferociousness in combat and heartlessness in conquest. Rivers of blood and the utmost desolation have marked the history of Negroid Africa, and the continent yet trembles at the mention of her Metsas and Dingaans, while modern Europe stigmatizes terrible conquerors as "Huns." The Turks, "founders of vast but unstable empires" (Keane), have exhibited throughout their history both the predaciousness and the instability of the mongrel. The late Lord Bryce, former British ambassador to the United States, following the Allies' peace note to President Wilson, said, with regard to that portion of the note which demanded the expulsion of the Turk from Europe, "The Turk has never been of any use for any purpose except for fighting. He cannot administer, though in his earlier days he had the sense to employ intelligent Christian administrators. He cannot secure justice. As a governing power he has always shown himself incapable, corrupt and cruel. He has always destroyed, he has never created." (Washington Post, January 17, 1917)

While the mongrel has not distinguished himself in the creative arts he has proved himself, when armed with the white man's inventions, a menace to civilized culture. This is as true in eastern Asia today as in western Asia four hundred to a thousand years ago.

We could expect a fusion of the peaceful Chinese and the aggressive Caucasians to produce a mongrel race less stable than the Chinese, but more resourceful. From the Caucasian standpoint, such fusion should impart stability to the mixbreeds, though they might be lessened in resourcefulness. This has not occurred for the reason that, though Caucasian blood imparts restlessness and resourcefulness, there is not sufficient stability of character in the mongrel to maintain the advantage derived from the energy acquired. This is, in part, an explanation of the lack of advantage the Mongol-Caucasian mongrels seemingly should derive as a result of the mixture. Their constructive and conserving qualities are not in keeping with their predaciousness, which has always given them advantages which they cannot utilize. But there is another causation, derived from their cultural contact with the white race, which is more important than the physical factor in giving the hybrid advantage which cannot be utilized. The hybrid's success against the white has bene due to the white man's inventions in the hands of the hybrid.

Had the Turks, who in the World War expelled the British from the Gallipoli Peninsula, been compelled to rely upon implements of warfare such as they themselves could produce, how different would have been the result of the British invasion? But, instead of relying upon their own ingenuity, they relied wholly upon the inventions of the white man. Courage is not the monopoly of any race, and when an intellectually inferior race becomes equipped with the white man's most destructive implements and meets the white man in contest, the issue of battle may place the mongrel in a position above his intellectual level, a position which he cannot maintain, hence the instability of mongrel empires. At Gallipoli, as so often in the past, mongrel peoples have not only attained artificial superiority over the white man by use of the white man's inventions, but have been led by white men as well. This factor must not be overlooked if we are to appraise correctly Mongoloid successes against the Caucasian.

Most of our information concerning the early history of the races has been attained during the past century. It is also within this period that the Caucasian of Europe and America has come into permanent contact with the outlying portions of the world. As the mixing of races has been occurring whenever there has been race contact, it is an interesting bit of information to learn that even in the more remote portions, where hybridization is the rule, there are yet some small groups of white and black folk who, though in contact with other peoples for many centuries, have not been submerged by the process of amalgamation. These groups have been called "remnants" o(Alfred Wallace). They are in reality remnants. The Ainus of Japan (now in a pure state only in the north) are yet essentially a Caucasian people. Groups of pure Negroes (pygmies), unmixed with yellow or white people, still exist both on the mainland in South Asia and in Oceania.

In summarizing the result of the contact of races, it will be easier to describe the geographical location of the pure races. The white man is in the greater part of Europe, some parts of northern and western Asia and northern Africa, in portions of the New World, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and other less important places where his recent migrations have carried him. The yellow man holds the greater portion of southeastern Asia. The pure Negro is confined in certain restricted areas in Africa and in other continents where the white man has carried him in recent centuries. The rest of the world belongs to the mongrel.

"The large number of black women found in the harems of the rich, and even in the huts of the common people, quickly impaired the purely of the race, even among the upper classes of the nation, and the type began to resemble that of the Negro tribes of Equatorial Africa. The language fared no better in the face of this invasion, and the written characters soon became as corrupt as the language. The taste for art decayed; technical ability began to deteriorate. The moral and intellectual standards declined and the mass of the people showed signs of relapsing into barbarism." (Maspero, HIstory of Egypt, p. 260, said of the southern provinces of the Egyptian Empire.)

"Where the white man has not absolutely cleared the ground of his colored rival, he may be bred down to a position of inferiority." -- B.L. Putnam Weale, The Conflict of Color.

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