The International Jew

Originally Published By
Henry Ford

Introduction By
Gerald L. K. Smith


Chapter 1 - Jewish History In The United States

Chapter 2 - Angles Of Jewish Influence

Chapter 3 - Victims, Or Persecutors

Chapter 4 - Are The Jews A Nation?

Chapter 5 - The Jewish Political Program

Chapter 6 - An Introduction To The "Jewish Protocols"

Chapter 7 - How The Jews Use Power

Chapter 8 - Jewish Influence In American Politics

Chapter 9 - Bolshevism And Zionism

Chapter 10 - Jewish Supremacy In The Theatre And Cinema

Chapter 11 - Jewish Jazz Becomes Our National Music

Chapter 12 - Liquor, Gambling, Vice And Corruption

Chapter 13 - The World's Foremost Problem

Chapter 14 - The High And Low Of Jewish Money-Power

Chapter 15 - The Battle For Press Control

Chapter 16 - The State Of All-Judaan


Copyright Information

Abridged from the original as published by the world renowned industrial leader
Henry Ford, Sr.

Appearing originally in the periodical published by the Ford Motor Co.
The Dearborn Independent

Copy prepared for the printer by
Gerald L. K. Smith

National Director, Christian Nationalist Crusade
Post Office Box 27895, Los Angeles 27, California


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