Sacred Truth Ministries’ Rare Reprint List

[ Updated Sept. 2006 ]

Sacred Truth Ministries
P.O. Box 18
Mountain City, Tenn.

Full Catalog of 5000+ Titles (over 160 8½x11 pages):
5.00 donation if ordered alone; 3.50 donation with any book order

P&H: United States: Library Rate: orders under 100.00 = 10% (3.75 minimum); orders 100.00 and over = 8% (6.50 minimum); Flat Rate Priority Box = 10.00 (no weight limit), whatever will fit in 8.5 x 11 x 5.75. 8.5x11. However, 8.5x11 plastic comb-bound books will not fit because comb-binding makes them 11.5 inches. Also 8.5x11 sized books would not have any room for padding to protect them; Flat Rate Priority Flat Mailer = 5.00 (same size/weight limit as Global Priority below);

Outside United States: Global Priority (cannot exceed 4 lbs.; nonpadded flat mailer; about 1100 page max. of regular size paperback books or about 200pp. 8.5x11 material—but no room for any packing material; may be some room for padding if only 600pp. of regular sized books are ordered. Books may get a little dinged up in these. M-Bag (Air or Surface: several boxes can be put in the Mail-Bag (to same address only) max. weight = 66 lbs. Surface may take several months for overseas; it all depends how long the ship has to wait until it is full). P&H Canada: Global Priority = 8.50. M-Bag Surface = 1.45/lb. (15.00 minimum); M-Bag Air = 1.75/lb. (19.00 min.); U.K. & Europe: Global Priority = 10.50. M-Bag Surface = 1.70/lb. (18.00 min.); M-Bag Air = 2.80/lb. (30.00 min.); Australia & So. Africa: Global Priority = 10.50. M-Bag Surface = 1.75/lb. (19.00 min.); M-Bag Air = 3.80/lb. (42.00 min.);

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Forms of donation: PLEASE send cash or POSTAL Money Orders only (Postal Money Orders can only be obtained from the POST OFFICE); please do not send checks or any other type of Money Order.

Canadians: POSTAL Money orders are available in US funds (from your post office) or US cash only. E-mail: We cannot take orders by E-mail, but we can answer questions about books, if in stock, reserve something you want to order, give exact shipping quote on a specific order, etc.

For those who may think that the prices listed herein are a bit high (in "Section A")—actually, they are a bit low. It is costly to find these books, purchase/rent them, copy them and cut and paste (or computer scan; 40-80 hours each title for computer-enhanced editions or cut-and-pasted to be standard-book size (8½x5½) to make single-sided masters, then copy them again to make double-sided masters) and then copy, print, and bind them. We just break even once 10-15 copies of a single title have been ordered. Thus, it takes several years to break even on just one title. This of course does not even include overall cost of copy machine & paper, binding machine & combs/covers, electricity, overhead, man hours involved, etc. This is a service we provide. We are glad to do it. Most of these books are unavailable anywhere else. We have no profit in this, as we are continually searching out and acquiring new titles for you. Your support appreciated.

Why do we provide this ministry-service? The truth is important. Great efforts are being taken daily to cover it up and bury it for good. Very few, if any of some of these books even exist elsewhere for anyone who wants a copy. Originals are usually very costly (averaging 150.00 for a single copy), they are musty, moldy, brittle, dusty, and usually disintegrate a little with each handling. Our copies are clean, new, less expensive, readily available—and do not aggravate allergies or leave a pile of paper crumbs and dust on your lap, table, floor, etc.


mcg = minimum cash gift

@ = may still be being prepared

CB-SBS = plastic Comb-Bound, Standard-Book Size (8½x5½); all with attractive covers, and extra 10 mm. protective clear plastic covers.

CB-8½x11 = plastic Comb-Bound, 8½x11 bound at top (2 book pages side-by-side per 8½x11 sheet of paper; thus 4 pages are always visible when open; all with attractive covers, and extra 10 mm. protective clear plastic covers.

CB-OS-8½x11 = same as above except the original document was 8½x11.

stplbk = stapleback booklet, standard (8½x5½) unless otherwise stated.

CEE = Computer Enhanced Edition; final product usually 2-4x better than the original we worked with. Most books are also enlarged when room allows for it, since many older books were printed in much smaller format/smaller print.

AIP = book comes from the Anglo-Israel Perspective. [For those not familiar with this topic, please order my book, Uncovering The Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance, 13.00 + P&H.]

Titles in italics indicate that they may contain some questionable material.

NOTE: As far as we know, the copyrights on all the books we reproduce or order from others to stock herein are copyright expired and public domain. If we are misinformed, we will immediately cease printing/ordering unauthorized titles.


CB-SBS, CB-8½x11, and stplbk. books

Alphabetical Section A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

—Abraham: Recent Discoveries and Hebrew Origins (1935), Sir Leonard Wooley, Litt.D., dedicated to Rudyard Kipling, 299pp. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (22)]

—Addresses Delivered To British-Israel Congress (1920) British Israel World Federation, 290pp. (CB-SBS, AIP, CEE) [mcg = (26)]

—Addresses Delivered To British-Israel Congress (1923) British Israel World Federation, 230pp. (CB-SBS, AIP, CEE) [mcg = (22)]

—All America Must Know The Terror That Is Upon Us, Dr. Revilo P. Oliver, 35p. [mcg = (2)]

—Amazing Story How Archaeology Proves Bible is True (1943), Sabier, 89p. stplbk. [mcg = (6)]

America: A Christian Nation (1905), Ass.Supr.Ct. Just., David J. Brewer, 100p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (10)]

American Police State, Serge Monast, 278p (CB-OS-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (30)] [author’s death now confirmed; his materials were not the best assembled & may not be best for the money for average person; his work must have merit, or he wouldn’t have received "gov’t" harassment (kidnapping his children) and the ultimate "heart attacks" he & his collaborator (Prof. Robert O’Driscoll) received.]

—American War Songs (1925), National Committee for the Preservation of Existing Records of the National Society of the Colonial Dames of America (covers Revolutionary W, W. of 1812, Mexican W., Civil W., Span.-Amer. W., WWI), 240p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (20)]

America’s Appointed Destiny: Outlined By Scriptures & Great Seal of Nation (1942), Frederick Haberman [author of Tracing Our Ancestors (1934)] 210p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (18)]

Ancient America (1872), Baldwin, 300p [mcg = (20)]

Ancient and Modern Israel (1922): an address given by Rev. S. R. Gordon, D.D., LL.D. (President Emeritus, Tulsa University; former President, Tulsa University; former Director of Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh; former Dean and Professor of Bible at Kendall College at the Presbyterian Church of Tulsa, Oklahoma; 40p. booklet [mcg = (4)] Re-type-set

The Ancient Egyptians and the Origin of Civilization (1923), G. Elliot Smith, 240p. (CB-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (18)]

Ancient History (1730-1738) Charles Rollin, 4 vol, c.780p./each, (CB-8½x11, CEE), Vol 1 (from 1855 London ed. with intro. & biog. from 1829 ed.) Vol 2,3,4 (from latest London ed. c.1900) [mcg = (40 each) or (150.00 for set)] EXCELLENT! Christian perspective. Extensively quotes Herodotus, Pliny, etc. Quoted extensively by later historians.

Ancient History: From The Earliest of Times To The Fall of The Western Empire: Chaldaea, Assyria, Media, Babalonia, Lydia, Phoenicia, Syria, Judaea, Egypt, Carthage, Persia, Greece, Macedonia, Parthia, Rome (1899), G. Rawlinson, (CB-SBS), xxviii.pp./488pp. [mcg = (30)]

—Ancient Pillar Stones of Scotland Their Significance and Bearing on Ethnology (1856), Dr. George Moore, 179pp., pb. [mcg = (25)] (author of Saxons of the East and Saxons of the West.) (pb., not one we reprint; but available)

Anglo-Israel or The Saxon Race (1880), W.H. Poole, 688p. (CB-SBS, AIP) [mcg = (40)]

—Anglo-Saxon Grammar and Reader (1889), Stephen Carpenter,212pp., plastic comb bound, computer enhanced edition (only 8.5x11 2x2 format available right now) [mcg = (15)]

—Anglo-Saxon Primer (1890), Henry Sweet, 12pp./116pp./8pp., computer enhanced standard book size edition, plastic comb bound [mcg = (15)] has some reading from Anglo-Saxon Bible, as well as A-S literature.

—The Annals of the World (17th century), Bishop James Ussher, 960pp. Hb. (comes with computer CD)—first time available in c.300 years. (contains history of ancient world from creation to destruction of Jerusalem Temple) [mcg = (60) (reg 70)] (not one we reprint; but available)

Anglo-Saxon Israel or Israel Britain: An Explanation of the Origin, Function and Destiny of the Norse-Anglo-Celto- Saxon Race in the British Empire, U.S.A., Holland, Scandinavia and Iceland (1934; abbreviated edition), Adam Rutherford, 207pp. pb., [mcg = (15)] Complete (complete Fourth Edition, 1939) 825 pages, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (55)]

The Anglo-Saxon World (c.1944), Supplementary Number (Vancouver B.C.) (CB-OS-8½x11, CEE, AIP), 48p. [mcg = (8)]

—Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the Four Masters (Dr. O’Donovan, Professor Eugene Curry, The Rev C.P. Meehan, Dr. R.R. Madden, and Other Eminent Scholars), if interested, inquire about availability. Very Rare Book. Most respected and thorough book on early Irish History.

Anthropology (1878), Dr. Paul Topinard, 548p. + xvi, (CB-SBS) [mcg = (36)]

The AntiChrists: Prophecy, Stough (author of Dedicated Disciples, pb., and many more 8½x11 titles), 80pp. (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (8)]

Apocalypse of Ezra (contained in the Apocrypha; however, this edition was translated from early manuscripts and contains a passage of about 100 verses which was omitted from most all translations; translated in 1917; contains numerous footnotes and info; 120p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (10)]

Apocrypha from the 1560 Geneva Bible; 176 p. (CB-OS-8½x11, CEE), (not perfect copy—as good as it gets) [mcg = (25)]

Armageddon and the Battle of the Great Day (1933), Goard, 40p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (5)]

—Armageddon Has Come: The Climax of the Ages is Near (1940), Frederick Haberman (Author of Tracing Your Ancestors), 120pp. (CB-8½x11, CEE, AIP) + a few fold out and other charts (very rare book) [mcg = (22)]

Arnold Leese Anthology Vol 1: 4 booklets in 1: (1)Bolshevism is Jewish, (2)Devilry in the Holy Land, (3)Our Jewish Aristocracy, (4)Chinese Communism: Yes, But It Was Jewish When it Started, 40p. (stplbk., CEE) [mcg = (3.50)]

Arnold Leese Anthology Vol 2: 6 booklets in 1: (1)Destruction of India By Race Mixing: Cause & Prevention (1935), (2)Disraeli: The Destroyer, (3)Era of World Ruin: Era of Democracy, (4)Money No Mystery, (5)Race and Politics, (6)Rex vs. Leese (Crown’s Trial Against Leese), 72p., (stplbk., CEE) [mcg = (6)]

—The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union (1778), 28pp. booklet [mcg = (2)]

Atlantis: The Antideluvian World (1908), Ignatius Donnelly, 500p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (28)]

(1) Are We Israel? or British-Israel Truth: Being Reply to "Anglo-Israelism" (1897), H. Aldersmith, M.B., F.R.C.S./Rev. Chancellor Hanan, M.A., D.D.; (2) The Great Distinction between "House of Judah" (Jews) and "House of Israel" in these "Latter Days" (1896), Aldersmith; (3) The Second Advent (1897), Aldersmith; 64p (stpbk., CEE, AIP). (3 booklets in 1) [mcg = (6)]

Aryan Origin of The Alphabet (1927), Prof. (of Tibetan, London Univ.) L.A. Waddell, 80p (stpbk.) [mcg = (8.50)]

The Aryans: A Study Of Indo-European Origins (1926), Childe, 221p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (15)]

An Assyrian Grammar: With Full Syllabary: and Progressive Reading Book of the Assyrian Language, in the Cuneiform Ty, (c. 1880; 2nd. ed.) Prof. A.H. Sayce, 131pp., [mcg = (17)]

Bed-rock (1948), Coffin, (companion vol. to Brass Tacks), 100p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = 10)]

—Behold The Dawn (1961, 1967 ed.), Gilbert Saddler (South Africa) 202pp. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (18)]

—The Bible Comes Alive (c.1924), Sir Charles Marston, (CB-SBS), xix/303/40pp. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (25)]

—Bible Research: A Handbook of secular evidence, from first-class authorities, testifying to the accuracy of the Scriptures, together with factual information concerning the history and migrations of the Hebrew peoples (1946), published by the National Message, foreword by Admiral Sir Errol Manners, K.B.E., very detailed. [AIP] excellent resource! If you have never ordered a rare reprint, maybe this should be the one. Detailed articles on history, language, race, religion, etc. by Sayce, Petrie, Wooley, Turner, etc. Also contains many maps, charts, photographs—Excellent! Vol. I., 366pp. and Vol. 2 398, new paperback printing [mcg = 2 volume set (60)]

—The Bible Verified (1890), Rev. Andrew W. Archibald, 256pp. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (22)] (rare book)

Birth of A Nation (1932), D. Bayley and L. Furze-Morrish, 230p. (CB-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (16)]

Bishop Strossmayer’s Speech [Vatican Council of 1870] (Bishop testifies Papacy not found in Scripture) 23p. (stpbk., CEE) [mcg = (1.50)]

—Blood-Groups and Race (1935) J. Millot (Professor at the Sorbonne, Paris), reprinted in and from the Annual Report, Smithsonian Institution, 1937), 10pp., booklet, [mcg = (1)], computer enhanced edition

—Bohemia: A Sketch (1896), Count Francis Lutzow, 438pp. [Czech., Bohemian, and related peoples] [mcg = (35)]

The Boer Fight For Freedom (1902), Michael Davitt, 600+p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (35)]

—The Book of the Princes of Wales: Heirs to the Crown of England (1860), Dr. John Doran, 555p. [reprinted from #10 in a deluxe edition limited to 1000 copies) [Chancellor-Bishop Houghton of St. David’s in 1377 (see p. 138 of Uncovering the Mysteries of Your Hidden Inheritance, Balaicius/STM) in speech given on p.204 declared that England was Israel.] [mcg = (35)]

Brass Tacks (1944), Coffin, 48p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP [mcg = (5)]

Brief History of the First Church in Plymouth, from 1601-1901, Cuckson, 117pp., plastic comb bound (does not contain the 15 pages of introduction which were missing from the copy I found) [mcg = (15)]

Britain & America: Lost Israelites or 10 Tribes Identified in Anglo-Celtic Race (1902) Rev. Mckillop, 520p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (35)]

The British Empire in the Light of Prophecy and National Regeneration (1950), Bernard L. Bateson, F.Ph.S., M.R.S.L., (2 booklets in 1) 68p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (7)]

Britain’s Place in History (1936), Rev. Dobson, 124p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (12)]

British History Traced From Egypt and Palestine (1927), Commander L.G.A. Roberts, c180p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (18)]

British-Israel: How I Came to Believe It (1875), Bishop Titcomb (1st Anglican Bishop to Rangoon, Burma) 212p. (CB-8½x11, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (16)]

British-Israel Truth (1932), ed. by Hanan/Aldersmith, new paperback printing (AIP) 275pp. [mcg = (28)]

British-Israel Truth Defended (1926), James Mountain, D.D., 226pp. new paperback printing (AIP) [mcg = (28)]

British Nation Identified With Lost Israel (47 identifications) (1874), Edward Hine, 297p (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (18)]

The British Nation: The Lost Ten Tribes (1878), Canon Brownrigg, Incumbant of St. John’s Church, Tasmania, 32pp [mcg = (3)] Computer Enhanced Edition

By Divine Appointment, Bertrand Comparet, 29p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg=(2)]

The Catholic Church and the Jews, Maj-Gen. Count Arthur Cherep-Spiridovich, 20pp., booklet [mcg = (1.75)]

The Cause of the World’s Unrest (1920), H.A. Gwynne (Editor of the Morning Post. This frank and truthful discussion basically resulted in his financial ruin; exposes "jews" behind trouble); 264p. [mcg = (20)]

Caveat Against Injustice or An Inquiry Into the Evils of a Fluctuating Medium of Exchange (1752), Roger Sherman, 58p, (stpbk., CEE) forward by F. Tupper Saussey [mcg = (6)]

The Celtic Church in Britain and Ireland (1902), Heinrich Zimmer (Prof. of Celtic philology at the University of Berlin), Translated by A. Meyer, xv/131pp. standard book sized comb-bound [mcg = (14)]

—The Celtic Druids or an attempt to shew that the Druids were the Priests of Oriental colonies who emigrated from India (1829) Goddfrey Higgins, 96p. introduction + 324p. of main text (CB-OS-8½x11) [mcg = (40)]

Chaldean Account of Genesis (1876), Smith, 335p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (20)]

Character Building For Use in U.S. Schools (1915), William Harvey, 32pp., booklet [mcg = (.75)]

—Children of Laughter (1942), Major Fred T. Foort (Indian Army), only chapter IV (10 pages), author apparently published each chapter by itself; has some interesting info, though he believed Anglo-Saxons are Israel, he is in error thinking the modern day Germans descended from Ishmael. (stplbk, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (1.50)]

—The Church & Usury (1914) Rev. Pat. Cleary, 207pp. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (20)]

Chronicles of Eri; Being a History of Gael Sciot Iber: The Irish People; Translated From Original Manucripts In Phoenician Dialect of Scythian Language (1822), Roger O’Conner, 453p. (CB-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (26)] (author anti-catholic Irishman, political prisoner wrote history of Ireland; even though it was taken from him & destroyed several times, he finally completed it. He also stated that the Irish were descended from Israel.)

Collected Works of Bertrand L. Comparet, (retype-set) 190p. (CB-OS-8½x11, CEE, AIP), [mcg = (20)]

—A Collection of Tracts, Containing: Banders Disbanded (a discourse on the Licensing of Ministers); The Poor Man’s Cup of Cold Water... (words of Encouragement to the suffering saints in Scotland); and A Testimony Against Paying of Cess (Tax) to an Unjust and Unlawful Government or Wicked Rulers (1697, 1805 Edition), Mr. Robert M’Ward, 288p. (CB-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (15)] (older print, s’s look like f’s)

—Coming Events and Present Duties: Being Miscellaneous Sermons on Prophetical Subjects (1867), Bishop John Charles Ryle, xvi/208pp.,; plastic comb-bound, computer enhanced edition [mcg = (20)]

Commentaries on the Laws of Ancient Hebrews (1853) E.C. Wines 640p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (40)]

—Commentary on the Whole Epistle of the Hebrews (1655, 1866 edition, 3 vol.) William Gouge; 1162p.; (CB-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (75)]

Communist Manifesto (1848) Karl Marx, 47p. (stpbk., CEE) [mcg = (3)]

Concentration Camps in America, Serge Monast, 128p (CB-OS-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (16)]

Conquest of A Continent (1934), Madison Grant, 395p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (25)]

Conquest of Civilization (1926), Breasted, c.700pp. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (45)]

Conspiracy or Degeneracy? (1967) (being the complete text of an address given at the New England Rally for God, Family, and Country, Boston, MA July 2, 1966), Revilo P. Oliver, 86pp. booklet [mcg = (6)] (author of Enemy of Europe [pb.], All America Must Know the Terror that is Upon Us, [stplbk.])

Constitutional History of England (1921), Adams, 518p. (CB-8½x11) [mcg = (28)]

—The Coronation and Throne of David (1935), A.J. Ferris, 92pp., plastic comb-bound [mcg = (10)]

The Covenant People, Journal of the Imperial British-Israel Assoc., Sept., 1918, c.50p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (4)]

The Covenant People, Journal of the Imperial British-Israel Assoc., June, 1920, c.50p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (4)]

Crossing the River (1930) Goard, 85+p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (6)]

The Cross Through the Scriptures, F. J. Huegel, 192pp., plastic comb bound reprint [mcg = (15)]

Cruden’s Concordance to the Apocrypha (special printing combining the 1806 edition with the dedication to King of England from the 1761 edition in which Cruden referred to the King as "an Hezekiah to our British Israel." 8½x11 pb, 120p [mcg = (9)]

—Culture and Kulture Race-Origins: The Past Unveiled (1919), Herbert Bruce Hannay, 160pp., plastic comb-bound [mcg = (20)]

—Daniel’s Forecast (1964), Maynard James, 23pp., stapleback, computer enhanced edition, [mcg = (1.25)]

Dawn of European Civilization (1958), Childe, 368p. (CB-8½x11) [mcg = (22)]

Day of the Saxon (1912), Homer Lea, 249pp. [mcg = (18)] Brilliant mind warns whites about absorbing nonwhites

—Dealing In Hate: The Development of Anti-German Propaganda, Conners, 40p. [mcg = (4)]

—Death at Katyn (1933), 48pp., [mcg = (3.50]

The Death of James Forrestal (1966), Cornell Simpson, 200p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (14)]

Despising Our Birthright, Stough, 210pp. (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (18)]

—Destiny of British Empire and U.S.A. (1921; 12th ed. 1940), The Roadbuilder (Lt.-Col. Wm. Gordon MacKendrick, D.S.O.), vx/204p. (CB-SBS, AIP), [mcg = (15)]

The Disasters of Miscegenation, Stough, 28p. (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (4)]

—Discoveries Among the Ruins of Ninevah and Babylon (1853) Sir Austen Henry Layard, M.P., xvi/586pp. (very rare book) (CB-SBS) [mcg = (45)]

—Dissertation on the Origin and Progress of the Scythians or Goths: Being an Introduction to the Ancient and Modern History of Europe (1787), John Pinkerton, xxvipp./209pp., plastic comb bound, standard book size, computer-enhanced edition, quality near perfect. very rare book [mcg = (25)]

Divine Diet, Dr. Clem Davies, 49p. stpbk. [mcg = (6)] [CEE] [AIP]

The Divine Directive For Our Time (1953), Coley, 64p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (4)]

—Divine Programme of World History (1892), Dr. and Mrs. H. Grattan Guinness, 455pp., (CB-SBS), [mcg = (28)]

Divine Time-Measures (1933) J. Bernard Nicklin, (AIP) 206p. new paperback printing [mcg = (28)]

Documents of Daniel (1940), Pascoe Goard, 192p. (CB-SBS, AIP) [mcg = (14)]

The Dooms of King Alfred, (laws of England based upon the Bible established c.890 A.D.) 58p, (stpbk., CEE) [mcg = (6)]

—Druidism in Britain: A Preparation for the Gospel (1928), Commander, Rev. L.G.A. Roberts, 22pp., [mcg = (1.50)], computer enhanced edition

—Early Egypt, Babylonia and Central Asia (1927) David Davidson (rare book; with dozens of 11x17 fold-out maps, charts, etc.), over 150p. (CB-OS-8½x11, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (45)]

—The Early Kings of Norway (c.1850), Thomas Carlyle, 107pp., plastic comb bound, standard book size, computer-enhanced edition, quality near perfect. [mcg = (10)] (covers Harald Haarfagre to Hakon the Old: c.850-1250) [though short and inexpensive, it is not the best on the topic; many others are better.]

Early Scottish Church (1864), Rev. Thom. M’Lauchlan, x/450p.standard book sized comb-bound [mcg = (30)]

Earth’s Annular System (1912), Vail (earth originally had ring like Saturn) (CB-8½x11) 406p. [mcg = (24)]

The Egypt of the Hebrews and Herodotus (1895), Prof. Sayce, 340+p. (CB-8½x11) [mcg = (22)]

The Elementary Spelling Book, Noah Webster (first edition 1829, enlarged facsimile reprint 1992), 174p. (metal, spiral bound, CEE) [mcg = (10)]

Elements of Hebrew: An Inductive Method (1886; 1894 ed.), William R. Harper, Ph.D., 204p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (15)]

The Empire in Solution (1931), W. Pascoe Goard, 181p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (12)]

England: The Remnant of Judah and The Israel of Ephraim (1860; 2nd ed. 1881), F.R.A. Glover, c.200p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (18)]

—English Derived From Hebrew (1869), Govett, 130p., paperback [mcg = (10)]

English Hexapla (1841) 6 early versions, side by side columns: Wiclif (1380), Tyndal (1534), Cranmer (1539), Geneva (1557), Rheims (1582). King James (1611), including 160 p. history of English translations; also includes original Greek text of Scholz with various readings of Textus Receptus and principle Constantinopolitan and Alexandrian manuscripts, & complete collation of Sholz’s text w/Griesbach’s 1805 ed. [mcg = (150) Hb; (100) (CB-8½x11, CEE)] Hb [mcg = (175) (reg 200)]

Englishman & Israelites, Turks & Edomites, Politics & Prophecy (1896) Pain, 168p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (14)]

The Enthroned Christian, F.J. Huegel, c.118pp. plastic comb-bound reprint [mcg = (8)] (victorious Christian living)

Epistle to the Romans (1947), Goard, 90p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (10)]

—Eternal Punishment, Arthur W. Pink, 36p. [mcg = (2.50)]

European and Other Race Origins (1914), Prof. H.B. Hannay, 492p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (32)]

Evolution of Israel: Story of English Race from 721 B.C. To Present Day (c.1900) Captain De Weldon, 405p. (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (25)]

Facets of the Great Story (1954), H. Robin Tourtel (South Africa), 174p. (CB-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (12)] very good book.

Faith and Healing, Stough, c100p, (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (10)]

Faith of Our Fathers (c.1955), Col. William Potter Gale, 54pp. booklet [mcg = (5)]

—The Family of Fasken (1931), by Brig.-Gen. W.H. Fasken, C.B., (author of Israel’s Racial Origins and Migrations), 8.5x11, plastic comb bound; 33pp., + 3 pgs of genealogical chart of Fasken Family. It sadly does not contain a picture of Gen. Fasken himself, but contains one of his parents and a detailed family history. very rare book. [mcg = (10)] [computer enhanced]

The Fifth Monarchy (1913), Waddington, 52p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (6)]

—Footsteps of Israel: From Eden to the City of God (1930) Samuel Greenwood, plastic-comb-bound, computer enhanced 346pp., rare book [mcg = (28)]

The Ford Sunday Evening Hour Talks (1937-1938), W.J. Cameron, 135p. (CB-8½x11, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (10)]

Foreign Entanglements Through United Nations (1952) Congressional Record, Hon. John Wood, 4p. 8.5x11 paper [mcg = (.50)]

The Franks: A Critical Study in Christianisation and Imperialism (written in 1940 in Dutch; this is the English translation), F.J. Los, 112 pages, plastic-comb-bound, computer-enhanced edition, [mcg = (10)] (author sadly knocks Christianity, however, more properly he saw many of the evil influence of the Catholic religion, including the de-Germanization and weakening of the Germanic peoples. He presents quite a different view of Charles the Great (the original Dutch title of his book was "Charles the Frank: "the Great"?). Regardless of its flaws, it offers a unique perspective with good information.

Fresh Light From The Ancient Monuments (1885), Sayce, 200+p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (16)]

—From Troy To Britain, William James, 30pp. booklet, [mcg = (3)]

The Fulness of Nations (1889), Dr. Alder Smith, xixpp./350pp. + foldout chart, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (30)]

The Future of Britain (1912), Col. Garnier, 76p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (8)]

The Future of Israel and Judah (1880) Dr. Joseph Wild, 128p. (CB-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (10)]

—A Gallery of Jewish Types, Stoddard, 22p. [mcg = (3.25)]

The General History of Ireland (translated in 1841 from the original Irish Language; written in early 1600’s), Jeoffry Keating D.D., 600p. in 2 vol (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (70)] (very rare book)

Geography of the Gates (1880), Philo-Israel, 192p. (CB-SBS, AIP) [mcg = (14)]

—Germany Must Perish (1941), Kaufman, 97pp., pb., [mcg = (8)]

—Give Not That Which Is Holy To The Dogs, Wesley Swift, with extensive notes (2.5x more than the book itself) by Robert Alan Balaicius, 88pp. [mcg = (6)]

—Glastonbury: The Mother of Saints: Her Saints from A.D. 37 to 1539 (1927), Rev. L. S. Lewis, Vicar of Glastonbury, 108p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (10)]

God and My Birthright (1919), J Llewellyn, 246pp. new paperback printing (AIP) [mcg = (28)]

God Counts: Amazing Discoveries in Bible Numbers, W.E. Filmer, 86p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (6)]

—God’s Commonwealths: British and American (With A Chapter on Christ’s Visit to Britain (1928), The Roadbuilder (Lt-Col. William Gordon MacKendrick, D.S.O.), xv/286pp., (CB-SBS, AIP) author not the best writer, or his style is of a different era, as well as being very folksy and casual. [mcg = (18)]

—God’s Company of Nations (1936), B.R. Parkinson, 332pp., new paperback printing (AIP) [mcg = (28)]

God’s Covenant Man: British Israel (1927), Odlum, 310p. new paperback printing (AIP) [mcg = (28)]

—God’s Great Plan: A Guide To the Bible (1939), R. Llewelyn Williams, 179pp. (CB-SBS, AIP) [mcg = (14)]

God’s Kingdom Plan (c. 1955), Conrad Gaard, 32pp. 8.5x11 (was booklet size, but was small print, so I enlarged it to make for easier reading.) [mcg = (2.50)] (computer enhanced)

The Gospel of the Kingdom, Bertrand Comparet, Volume 1&2, 2 paperback books, 98p./103p. [mcg = (6) for the set]

—The Gothic History of Jordanes (1915 edition; English edition with Introduction and Commentary by C.C. Mierow)) or De origine actibusque Getarum [Of the Origin and Deeds of the Goths] or [as abbreviated] Getica [Goths] [written c. a.d.550], Charles Christopher Mierow, Ph.D., vipp./188pp., plastic comb bound, standard book size, computer-enhanced edition, quality near perfect. rare book [mcg = (20)]

—Grammar of the Gothic Language (1910), Joseph Wright, 383pp., plastic comb bound (8.5x11 2x2 available now) [mcg = (22)]

The Grand Design (1977), Douglas Reed, 45p. (stplbk., CEE) [mcg = (4)]

—Great Britain Great (1927), Prof. Odlum, 50p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (5)]

The Greatest Subversive Plot in History: Report To Amer. People on UNESCO (1951), Congressional Record, Hon. John Wood, 2 pg. 8.5x11 [mcg = (.25)]

Greatness & Decline of the Celts (1934) Henri Hubert, 330p. [mcg = (22)]

—The Great Pyramid’s Message to America (1932) Frederick Haberman, 100pp. (CB-OS-8½x11, CEE, AIP) (very rare book; 1st 2 pages (which constituted the pb cover) are missing a few pieces of text (maybe only 5%) as are the last 2 pages (which are but advertisements). [mcg = (20)]

The Guernsey Experiment (1960), Grubiak, 36pp. booklet [mcg = (4)]

Guthones (The Goths): Kinsmen of The Lithuanian People (1929) Alexander Rackus, M.D.; 432 pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, very rare book, left side of page is English/left side is Lithuanian. Gives a list of words in Gothic and Lithuanian (and English) to show relation [mcg = (25)] (may take few months; still being prepared)

—The Hand of God in History or Divine Providence (1864), Hollis Read, 335pp. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (25)]

Healing By Obedience (c.1938), Smith, 48p (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (5)]

Hear the Other Side: The Afrikaner Side and the German Side; Schoeman, 76pp. stapleback [mcg = (5)]

Hebrews in East Anglia (1870), Dr. Moses Margoliouth, very rare book. 112pp., plastic comb-bound, computer enhanced [mcg = (12)] author gives proofs concerning "jews" in England, undoubtedly early Hebrews, not "jews." Contains some interesting info.

—The Heir of the World or the Nations of Europe as Descended from Abraham: The Cymry and Gael (1876), by "A.S." 164pp. plastic-comb-bound, computer enhanced [mcg = (15)] rare book

Heritage of the Anglo-Saxon Race (1928), M.H. Gayer, O.B.E., 95p. (CB-OS-8½x11, CEE, AIP) book with a very detailed chart (2½’x3½’) [mcg = (20)] (chart currently rolled. Note: For additional 3.95 it can be sent in a tube, otherwise, it will be folded and placed in the back of the book, as the original was).

—A Hind Let Loose: Testimonies of Church of Scotland (1687; 1797 ed.), Alexander Shields, 750+p. (CB-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (40)]

Hidden Mysteries Revealed, Henry Stough (author of Dedicated Disciples), 94p, (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (10)]

Historical Evidences of Truth of Scripture Records (1872), Rawlinson, 454p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (30)]

Historical Outlines on Lithuania (1921) Joseph J. Hertmanowicz, 43pp., stapleback, computer enhanced copy of this rare book which I have re-done, adding extra photos of famous Lithuanians, for the cover I have used a copy of the famous painting, “The Battle of Zalgiris” by the "Czech Rembrandt" Jan Matejko. [mcg = (6)]

History of Ancient World (For High Schools and Academies) (1904) G.S.Goodspeed, 482p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (32)]

—The History of Ancient Caledonia (c.1870) John MacLaren, 128p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) (very rare book) [mcg = (16)]

The History of the Anglo-Saxons (1841), Sharon Turner, 2 Vol 1284p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (70)] RARE FIND, Excellent Book!

History of Bohemia (1896), Count Francis Lutzow, 438pp. [Czech., Bohemian, and related peoples] [mcg = (35)]

—The History of the Great Boer Trek and the Origin of the South African Republics (1899), Hon. Henry Cloete, LL.D., (CB-SBS), xxiv/196pp. (CB-SBS, [mcg = (20)]

—History of Herodotus, translated by Prof. George Rawlinson (1910, 1924 ed.) in 2 vol., xii/353pp. and xxvi/366p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (55)]

—The History of Ireland from the Earliest Period to the Present Time (1867; 1885 ed.), Martin Haverty. Note: This is not itself The Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the Four Masters which is contained in 7 volumes and is over 4,000 pages. [A reprint of the entire Annals... is available for 1500.00 + P&H, or an original for 6,500.00 + P&H.] Haverty drew his material directly from the Annals..., gleaning the most relevant information; he drew further from the modern authors of the Annals... (Dr. O’Donovan, Professor Eugene Curry, The Rev C.P. Meehan, Dr. R.R. Madden, and Other Eminent Scholars), through extended, personal communication with them. This book by Haverty was considered the finest work on Irish History at the time he wrote it. It’s original size was 8.5x11, in all it contains about 1100pp., including many nice illustrations, and some additional chapters on Celtic literature and the geography of the major counties of Ireland (which were not in the 1867 ed.). Very Rare Book. Most respected and thorough book on early Irish History. Computer enhanced, 2 vols. plastic comb-bound. Inquire as to availability

—History of the Langobards (Lombards) (1907) by Paul the Deacon [a.d.700s], 437pp., computer enhanced, plastic comb-bound rare book [mcg = (40)]

A History of Latvia (1951), Alfred Bilmanis, 450+pp., (2 pages on each 8.5x11 page, side-by-side) comb bound. [mcg = (30)]

History of the Law Merchant (1904), published at Cambridge, 174pp., plastic comb bound [mcg = (16)]

—The History of Normandy and of England (1857), Sir Francis Palgrave, 4 Volumes total 3,248 pages; 8.5x11 (2x2) plastic comb bound; [mcg = (45 each) or (150) for set] Very rare book. Definitive history of the Normans.

The History of the Northmen or Danes and Normans, From the Earliest Times to the Conquest of England by William of Normandy (1831), Henry Wheaton, 367pp,. standard book size, plastic comb-bound, Computer Enhanced Edition, quality near perfect, [mcg = (35)] very rare book

—History of the Puritans & Pilgrim Fathers (1888): The Puritans in England, W.H. Stowell, and The Pilgrim Fathers, D. Wilson, 508pp., (CB-SBS) [mcg = (30)]

—The History of the Rediscovery of Israel (1946) & The Father of the Rediscovery of Israel: John Wilson (1950), A.B. Grimaldi, (2 booklets in 1) 32pp., [mcg = (3)]

—History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin (8 vol., 1880 edition) J.H. Merle D’Aubigne, 1) Geneva And France (466p.); 2) Geneva And France (493p.); 3) France, Switzerland, Geneva (492p.); 4) England, Geneva, France, Germany, and Italy (522p.); 5) England, Geneva, Ferrara (498p.); 6) Scotland, Switzerland, Geneva (546p.); 7) Geneva, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, the Netherlands (605p.); 8) Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, Netherlands, Geneva, Denmark, Sweden, Norway (484p.); 4106p., 93p. index. 8 vol. set, (2x2) 8½x11 [mcg = (200)] [Also Available in retype-set Hardback, see Hb section]

—History of the Rise of the Huguenots of France (2 vol., 1886, 1895) Henry Baird, 1127p., with 26p. index; 2 vol. set (CB-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (70)]

—History of Scandinavia: Denmark, Sweden, and Norway (1839), S. A. Dunham, Vol. 1, xxivpp./328pp plastic comb bound, standard book size, Computer enhanced edition. quality near perfect. (covers from earliest times to c. a.d.1020.; eventually vol. 2 and 3 will also be available). Rare book [mcg = (28)]

—The History of the Swedes (1832-36 in Swedish), Eric Gustave Geijer; translated from the Swedish by G. H. Turner, ESQ., M.A. (c.1845); originally 5 volumes written and printed in Swedish; the English translation contains the first 3 books which covers from earliest times to 1654 the ascension of Charles X. Computer Enhanced Edition, quality near perfect. Slightly enlarged Edition (original text width was 4 & 7/8 x 7 & 7/8 which has been expanded to 6.5 x 10); xvipp.,/348pp., plastic comb-bound 8.5 x11 [mcg = (40)] Very rare book. Considered a landmark text on the topic.

—History of the Wars: The Vandalic War, Procopius, written c. a.d. 460. by Procopius who was an attaché of (Germanic) Roman General Belisarius. Re-typeset, c.230pp., plastic comb-bound. [mcg = (16)] very interesting for students who enjoy Viking and/or Roman histories.

Holiness: The False and the True (1912), H.A. Ironside, 142p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (12)]

—Hon. Thurlow Weed on Morgan Abduction (1882) 16p. (stplbk., CEE) [mcg = (1)] (Capt. Morgan murdered after exposing Masonry)

Horae Apocalypticae; or, A Commentary on the Apocalypse, Critical and Historical; Including Also An Examination of the Chief Prophecies of Daniel (1862, 4 vol.); E.B. Elliot, Counter Reformation considered to have three parts: Jesuits, Inquisition & Council of seems justifiable to suggest a fourth aspect, namely the praeteristic and futuristic interpretations launched by Catholic expositors as a counterattack (p. 47). Author premellinialist, however, this does not invalidate all valuable information contained herein; 2611p., with 29p. index.] 4 vol. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (110)]

Hosea: The Heart & Holiness of God, G. Campbell Morgan, 159p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (12)]

—Human Cost of Communism in China, Prepared at Request of Sen. Tomas Dodd for Subcom. to Investigate Admin. of Internal Security Act and other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate, 1971, 44p [mcg = (3.50)], computer enhanced edition

—Human Cost of Soviet Communism, Prepared at Request of Sen. Tomas Dodd for Subcom. to Investigate Administration of Internal Security Act and other Internal Security Laws of Committee on Judiciary United States Senate, 1971, 40p [mcg = (3.50)] , computer enhanced edition

Identity of Religions Called Druidical & Hebrew (Demonstr. from Nature & Objects of Worship...) (1829), 125p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (15)]

Identity of Lost Ten Tribes of Israel with Anglo-Celto-Saxons, E. Hine, 64p (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (4)]

—The Illuminati (1967), Myron Fagan, 8 1/2 x 11, 23p. stapled [mcg = (2.50)]

The Importance of Race In Civilization, Macleod (1968) 100p. (stpbk., CEE) [mcg = (10)] excellent!

The Inequality of the Human Races (1854), Arthur De Gobineau (1915 edition) 230p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (20)]

Intelligence Work and the Bible: A Digest of Kingdom Truth (1960), Lt-Col. J.A. McQueen, D.S.O., M.C., 104p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (8)]

The Inspiration of the Scriptures Scientifically Proven (1934) and The Inspiration of the Hebrew Scriptures Scientifically Proven (1928), Ivan Panin, 2 booklets in 1, 76pp. [mcg = (5)] (CEE)

Isaiah: A Commentary (1931), Commander L.G.A. Roberts, 210p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (12)]

Israel and Orthodoxy (1932) Rev. R. G. F. Waddington, 226p. (CB-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (15)]

Israel Discovered in Anglo-Saxon, Protestant Kindred Nations (1874), H. Newton, 50p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (4)]

Israel: Her Racial Divisions and Geographical Wanderings (1926), Rev., Captain Merton Smith, 16p. booklet [mcg = (2)] computer enhanced [very rare book]

—Israel in Britain (1940), by John Leech, M.A., LL.B., K.C. [Point by Point Refutation of W.F.P. Burton’s "Why I Do Not Believe the British Israel Theory"], respected King’s Counsellor and Barrister at Law listed in the "Who’s Who" of his day who quit his job in 1926 to preach the British Israel message. 48 page booklet, computer enhanced. [mcg = (5)] very rare

—Israel in the Book of Revelation (1911); Commander L.G.A. Roberts, 231pp. plastic-comb-bound, computer enhanced (also contains 20 page "Palestine into Britain" (1910) with maps and diagrams of coins) [mcg = (22)] rare book

—Israel’s Hope Encouraged (c.1680), John Bunyan, 126pp. (CB-SBS, CEE), [mcg = (10)]

—Israel’s Task and Her Silent Partner (1933), Rev. Alban Heath, 64p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (6)]

Israelites Found in the Anglo-Saxons (1874) William Carpenter, 300p. (CB-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (18)]

Israel, Judah & the Jew (1962), Olive A. Brake, 36p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (3)]

Israel Redivivus (1905), F.C. Danvers, 315p (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (22)]

Israel’s Migrations or An Attack Answered (1947), C.F. Parker, 32p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (3)]

Israel’s Racial Origin & Migrations (early 1900’s), Brig.-Gen. Fasken, 100p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) (forward by Pasc. Goard) [mcg = (10)]

Israel’s Wanderings (1900), Oxonian, 175p (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (16)]

Jesus Christ Triumphant (1926) Goard, 112p. [mcg = (5)] [CEE] [AIP]

Jesus of Nazareth: Who Is He? (1959) Wallis, 48p. (stpbk., CEE) [mcg = (3)]

—The Jew Among the Thorns, short tale ommitted from most editions of Grimm’s Fairy Tales after 1935. 8 p. booklet [mcg = (.50)]

The Jewish Protocols: and Their Application to Present Times (1946), Marilyn Allen, 24p. (pamphlet) [mcg = (1)]

—Jewish War of Survival (1945) Arnold Leese, 124pp. computer enhanced, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (11)] masterfully shows how Poland and the Arabs were betrayed by the "Allies."

The Jew of Malta, Chrisopher Marlowe (born 1564), his play (on Jewish Ritual Murder) and introduction from Plays of Christopher Marlowe (1909), 88pp. booklet, computer enhanced [mcg = (7)]

The Jew, The Gypsie, and El Islam (1898), Sir Richard Burton (appendix on ritual murder mysteriously "disappeared," and has been "lost" for over 100 years) 351p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (24)]

—The Jews In America (1923), Burton Hendrick, 171pp., 8.5x11 2x2, plastic comb-bound; interesting book; not written "against" them, but in the attempts to understand and explain them; nonetheless, some very interesting info [mcg = (12)]

Journeys to the Appointed Places, Stough, 100p (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (10)]

The Kingdom of God (1928), W. Pascoe Goard, 126p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (8)]

Kings and Quakers: A Dialogue Between King Charles II and William Penn, 12p. booklet [mcg = (1)]

Kissinger: Secret Side of Secretary of State, 138p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (12)]

—Lancelot Andrews (1952), Florence Higham, 128pp. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (12)]

The Law of Mandamus (1867), Halsey Moses, 268pp., comb bound [mcg = (22)]

—The Law and the Saint, Arthur W. Pink, 37p. [mcg = (3)]

Law of The Lord: The Common Law (1928), Goard, 130p. reprinted by STM [mcg = (10)] [CEE] [AIP]

Leaders of the Lutheran Reformation (1917) Board of Publication of the General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, 146pp., comb bound [mcg = (15)]

—Lectures on Theology (1850), Dr. John Dick, 2 vol., 1100+p. (CB-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (85)]

Legal, Psychological & Political Warfare (1965), George Lincoln Rockwell, 60p. (CB-OS-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (8)]

Lightbearers of Darkness, Stoddard, 215p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (16)]

—Light For the Last Days (1918), Grattan Guinness, 360 total pages. 2x2, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (15)]

Lincoln’s Negro Policy (1938), Earnest Seiver Cox, 64pp., booklet (CEE) [mcg = (4.50)]

Links In The Chain of Evidence Connecting Israel With England (1876), J. Leyland Feilden, 130p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (14)]

—Lithuania: The Awakening of a Nation (1924) Age Meyer Benedictsen, translated from the Danish, 248pp., plus 2 full color fold outs; computer enhanced, 8.5 x 7 comb-bound reprint. [mcg = (28)] Rare book. Excellent history overall.

Lost Israel Found in the Anglo-Saxon Race (1886), E.P. Ingersoll, 84p (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (10)]

The Lost Ten Tribes (1883), Rev. Joseph Wild, 200p. paperback [mcg = (12)] [CEE] [AIP]

—Lost Ten Tribes: Anglo-Israel by a Jew (1884), Elieser Bassin, 32p. stapleback., [CEE] [AIP] [mcg = (2.50)]

—The Lost Tribes of Israel (1907; 1908 ed.), Reader Harris, 85pp., (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (8)] (very rare book)

The Lost Tribes Found in Assyrian Archives, Our Scythian Ancestors, & Who Were The Scots?, (3 booklets in 1) 24p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) W.E. Filmer [mcg = (2)]

Lost Tribes & the Saxons of the East & the Saxons of the West (1861), Dr. George Moore, M.D., 440p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (40)] excellent! rare find! very scholarly/detailed.

Magna Charta (1215), picture of document & retypeset English translation of Latin document, 24pp. booklet [mcg = (2)]

Makers of Civilization in Race & History (1929) Prof. Waddell, 702p. (CB-8½x11) [mcg = (40)]

The Man, (1937) Goard, 78p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (6)]

Man Who Built Great Pyramids (1932), Bristowe (author of Sargon Magnificent), 195p, (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (16)]

The Marks of Israel (1933) Henry D. Houghton, 48p. [mcg = (5)]

—Martin Luther King Jr.: His Three-Pronged Attack On: I. Christ and the Bible; 2. The United States of America; III. Law and Order (1968), by Church League of America, Wheaton, Illinois, c.56pp. 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (7)], computer enhanced edition

The Marvels of Bible Prophecy (1938) Maj.-Gen. H.N. Sargent, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., 340+p. (CB-8½x11, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (20)]

—Marxism and Judaism (1947 English translation from La Revue de Paris, July-Aug. 1928), 50pp., pb. [mcg = (6)], computer enhanced edition

The Master Plan (1968), Rev. A. S. Gaunt, 56p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (5)]

The Measure of History, Sacred & Secular: The Standard Scale of Chronology (1893) Charles Totten, 280p (CB-SBS, AIP) [mcg = (20)]

Messages on Identity, Henry Stough, 124pp. (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg= (12)]

Message To The Church From The 19th Century (1887), Bishop J.H. Titcomb, D.D. 142pp., (CB-SBS, AIP) [mcg = (12)]

Migrations and the Kingdom, N. Nielson, (printed by Stough in Anglo-Israel Message, 1936), 72p, (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (8)]

Migrations and the Kingdom, Stough, 2 Vol in 1, c.400p., (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (32)]

The Mirror of Egypt In The Old Testament (c.1920) Liet.-Com. Victor L. Trumper, R.N.R., M.R.A.S., 174pp., (CB-SBS) [mcg = (25)]

—Miscellaneous Writings on the Lost Ten Tribes by Surgeon-General Dr. J.M. Grant, M.D., excerpted from The Banner of Israel, Volume XIII, 1889, computer-enhanced, 58pp., stapleback booklet [mcg = (4.50)]

—The Modern Hebrew and Hebrew Christianity (1882), Rev. Elieser Bassin, C.M., Ph.B., 275pp., plastic comb-bound, computer enhanced edition [mcg = (22)] very rare book. author, a "jew" and former rabbi, who wrote "Ten Lost Tribes," and believed Anglo-Saxons/Britain were Israel, gives his life story and how the "jews" tried to kill him when he converted to Christianity after having studied the New Testament—having eschewed the Talmud.

Modern World & Its Delusions (1944), Maj,-Gen. H.N. Sargent, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., 127p., (CB-SBS, CEE AIP) [mcg = (11)]

Mosby and His Men: Record of the Adventures of that Renowned Partisan Ranger, John S. Mosby, Colonel C.S.A. (1867), J. Marshall Crawford of Company B., 209pp., pb [mcg = (13)] One of most colorful, brave, daring & accomplished Civil War Confederate Cavalry officers.

—My Father’s Kingdom (previously titled, The Kingdom of God on Earth) (1933; 1947 ed.), Alban Heath, 208pp. (CB-SBS, AIP) [mcg = (16)]

The Naked Truth, Michael Welfare (published in 1729 in Phila. on Ben. Franklin’s press) 12p. (stplbk., CEE) in response to Sunday-keeping ministers who were attacking the German Sabbath-keepers of Penna. [mcg = (1.50)]

National Israel in the World Today (c. 1955), Conrad Gaard, 22pp. 8.5x11 (was booklet size, but was small print, so I enlarged it to make for easier reading.) [mcg = (2)] (computer enhanced)

National Rebirth of Judah (1920), J.H. Allen (Author of Judah’s Scepter and Joseph’s Birthright), 125pp., plastic comb bound, standard book sized, computer-enhanced edition, rare book. [mcg = (12)] (Allen terribly confuses the "jews" with Judah and this book is replete with err—but may contain some worthwhile material)

National Significance of the Book of Common Prayer, Lt.-Col. J.G. Wright, 21p. [mcg = (3)]

The Nation’s Glory Leader, Vol. 6 (1878-79) collection of magazine issues by Edward Hine, 630p. (CB-8½x11, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (35)]

Native Races of The Russian Empires (1854), Professor R.G. Latham, 340p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (24)]

New Light on Old Paths and the Fifth Gospel, Goard, 366p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (24)]

—The New Coming World (1930), Henry D. Houghton, x., 208, viii., pp. (CB-SBS, AIP) [mcg = (22)]

New Knowledge About the Old Testament (1933), Sir Charles Marston, F.S.A., 182pp. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (18)]

Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, Bertrand Comparet, 34p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (2)]

No Liberty Without Law, Federation of the Covenant People (South Africa), CB-8½x11 (enlarged from smaller size), CEE, AIP) 190p. [mcg = (15)]

None is So Blind but He that Will Not See, Congressional Record speech of Hon. James Utt (1962), 6p. booklet [mcg = (1)]

—Norway (1901), Sigvart Sorenson, 353pp., computer-enhanced, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (22)] (may take few months)

—Notes & Queries on the Origin of British Israel (1920), Helen, Countess of Radnor, 48pp., stapleback, computer-enhanced edition with brief biography and photo; rare book [mcg = (3.50)] She wrote this to answer questions by her son and grandsons about their heritage.

No Time For Silence, App, 161p. (CB-SBS, CEE) (collection of classic revisionist treatises) [mcg = (13)]

Objections to British Israel Teaching Examined (1951) J. Llewellyn Thomas, 64pp. booklet [mcg = (4)]

The Oldest Letters in the World (1923), Mrs. Sydney Bristowe, 96p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (10)]

—Old Testament Chronology (1933) G. W. Gayer, 126pp. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) accompanied by 3 large folded charts (rare book) [mcg = (25)]

Oliver Cromwell (1892) Frederic Harrison, 228p. (CB-8½x11) [mcg = (14)]

—101 Evidences Proving The Divine Origin and Destiny of The English-Speaking Peoples: Questions and Answers* (1946), Charles Benham, 122pp. +10pp. introductory and biographical information; plastic comb bound, computer enhanced edition [mcg = (10)]

One Hundred Reasons and More Why the British are Israelites (1933), Rev. R.G.F. Waddington, 60pp., [mcg = (6)]

—Only One Road (1949), Hon. L. H. Hollins (Australian Statesman), 221pp., (CB-SBS, AIP) well-researched and balanced presentation on what’s wrong in the world, history, money, politics [mcg = (20)]

The Origin and History of the British Nation and its Connection with the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel (1878), by "Meni", 76pp., [mcg = (6)] Computer Enhanced Edition

Origin of the Aryans (1889), Isaac Taylor, 350p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (24)]

The Origin of the English (early 1900’s), Major B. De W. Weldon, 286p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (22)]

Origin of the Nations (c.1877), Professor George Rawlinson, 272p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (20)] [AIP]

—Our British Ancestors: Who & What They Were, Canon Samuel Lysons, 555pp. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (35)] (very rare book)

Our Celtic Heritage, Brig.-Gen. Sir Standish Crauford, 16pp., stapleback, [mcg = (1.50)]

Our Descent From Israel Proved By Cumulative Evidence (1931), Colquhoun, 262p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (20)]

Our Great Heritage: With Its Responsibilities (1927; 1937 ed.), W.T.F. Jarrold, (AIP) xxviiip./378p new paperback printing [mcg = (28)]

Our Race: Its Origin & Destiny (1897), Totten, 260p. (CB-SBS, AIP) [mcg = (20)]

Our Scythian Ancestors (1875), Col. J.C. Gawler, 14p. (stplbk-OS-8½x11-CEE, AIP) [mcg = (2)]

—The Painted Savages of England (1934), Rev. Alban Heath, 48p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (4)]

The Panama Canal, interesting general info from a pamphlet c.1978, 8pp. 8.5x11 [mcg = (.50)]

The Passing of The Great Race (1916), Madison Grant, 248p., (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (20)] a classic!

—Paul Revere’s Own Account of His Midnight Ride (1775), w/ short account of his life, 12pp. booklet, [mcg= (1)]

—The Pedigree and History of the Washington Family - Derived from Odin, Founder of Scandinavia, B.C. 70, involving a period of 18 centuries and Fifty-five generation Down to General George Washington (1879), Albert Welles, 370pp.+ 37pp. introduction + several dozen illustrations, computer-enhanced edition, plastic comb bound, regular book size [mcg = (35)]

—A People No One Knew (1931), Bayley/Furze-Morrish, 293pp. (AIP) new paperback printing [mcg = (28)]

—The Philadelphia Confession of Faith with Catechism (1869/1720), 120pp. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (10)]

Phoenicia (1889), Rawlinson, 356p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (24)]

—Phoenician Ireland (1837, 2nd edition), Doctor Joachimo Laurentio Villanueva, translated by Henry O’Brien, (with biographical intro. by O’Brien’s brother; 361pp. regular book size Plastic comb-bound, computer enhanced edition [mcg = ()] Inquire about availability

A Plea For The Constitution of the United States: Wounded in the House of its Guardians (1886), George Bancroft, 88p., (stpbk., CEE) Preface by F. Tupper Saussey [mcg = (6)]

PreAdamites (1880), Prof. Winchell 526p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (35)]

Predestination: As Taught in the Bible and Verified in History, A Compilation Shewing the Fulfillment of God’s Promises to Israel in the British Race (1895) A.K. Robinson, 151pp., + 16pp., 367pp,. standard book size, plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (15)] (CEE)

Predestination: Short Account of the History of Judah and Israel (1930) Rev. R.G.F. Waddington, 140+p. (CB-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (12)]

Prehistoric Antiquities of the Aryan Peoples: A Manual of Comparative Philology and the Earliest Culture (1890), Dr. O. Schrader [being an English translation of the Second Revised and Enlarged German Edition], 487p. (CB-8½x11) [mcg = (28)]

Prehistoric Nations, Baldwin (1892) Egyptians/Cuthites were white 414p (CB-OS-8½x11) [mcg = (28)]

President Theodore Roosevelt on Race, Riots, Reds, & Crime 101p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (8)]

The Prioress’ Tale from Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400) from Canterbury Tales Rendered Into Modern English by J. U. Nicolson With Illustrations by Rockwell Kent (1934), 12pp. booklet, computer enhanced, [mcg = (1.50)] (“jewish” ritual murder)

Project Blue Beam, Serge Monast, 130p. (CB-OS-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (12)]

Proofs of Conspiracy to Build Total Managed Global Society (1972), Don Bell Reports, c.60pp 8.5x11 [mcg = (7)]

—Prophecies of Daniel (1941), Rev. Alban Heath, xxxi/144pp. (CB-SBS, AIP) [mcg = (16)]

Race Or Mongrel (1908) Alfred P. Schultz, 370p., (CB-SBS) [mcg = (24)]

—Races In Chaos (1960) Rev. W.G. Findlay (South Africa), computer enhanced edition 74pp with 22pp., of extensive notes by RAB/STM, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (8)]

Races of Europe (1899), Prof. Ripley, 624p. (CB-SBS) (pictures of racial types) [mcg = (40)]

(Photos From) Races of Europe (1899) W.Z. Ripley, 47p. booklet, computer enhanced [mcg = (5)] shows different racial types.

The Races of Mankind: A Review (1944), Col. Earnest Sevier Cox, 27p. (stplbk., CEE) [mcg = (2.50)]

Racial and National Identity (c.1955), Col. William Potter Gale, 24pp. booklet [mcg = (2)] (computer enhanced)

Racial Contrasts: Distinguishing Traits of The Graeco-Latins and Teutons (1908), Albert Gehring, 340p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (24)]

The Racial Elements of European History (English translation 1927), Prof. Hans F. K. Gunther, 279p (CB-SBS) [mcg = (20)]

(Photos From) Racial Elements of European History (1927) Hans F.K. Günther, 68 page booklet, computer enhanced [mcg = (7)] shows different racial types.

Racial Streams of Mankind (1946), Dr. Clem Davies, 192p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (18)]

Real Cause of the War by Robert L. Dabney D.D. (Chief of staff to Maj.-Gen. T.J. "Stonewall" Jackson, 7p. (stplbk., CEE) [mcg = (.50)]

Re-Forging America: The Story of Our Nationhood (1927), Lothrop Stoddard, Ph.D. 389pp., plastic comb bound Computer Enhanced Edition, standard book sized, plastic comb bound [mcg = (38)] or 8.5x11 side-by-side not enhanced [mcg = (25)]

—The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination (1932), Loraine Boettner, 440pp. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (25)]

The Regeneration (1975) Raymond Collier (of Clem Davies Ministries; Davies author of Divine Diet, The Races of Mankind), 76pp. booklet [mcg = (6)]

Relations Between Ancient Russia and Scandinavia & Origin of Russian State (1877), Vilhelm Thomsen, 150pp., (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (15)]

The Renewal of History: How Empire Was Rebuilt and Replanted: Eochaidh the Hermonn or Knight of the Scarlet Thread (1892) Totten, 334p. (CB-SBS, AIP) [mcg = (24)]

Revelation Fulfilled in History (1934), B. Stewart, 174+pp., good presentation from Historicist View that majority of Revelation was fullfilled in European history (not to be confused with the Praeterist View that ALL was fulfilled in 70 A.D.), not from Anglo-Israel perspective, but very good detailed historical analysis. [mcg = (20)] (CB-SBS, CEE)

Revolt Against Civilization (1922) Stoddard, 274p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (22)]

Riddle of Prehistoric Britain, Comyns Beaumont, 208p. (CB-OS-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (24)]

—Rights of The Kingdom or Customs of Our Ancestors: Touching the Duty, Power, Election, or Succession of our Kings and Parliaments: Our True Liberty, Due Allegiance, three Estates, their Legislative Power, Original, Judicial, and Executive; with the Militia. Freely Discussed through the British, Saxon, Norman Laws and Histories with an Occasional Discourse of Great Changes yet Expected in the World (writtten 1649; 1682 edition), John Sadler, M.P. (1st book in print known that mentions the Anglo-Israel Truth) 319pp. [mcg = (35)] [extremely rare book] (Old English type print where s’s look like f’s. [Computer Enhanced and Digitally Improved] 8½x5½ plastic comb-bound.  Note: this is from a manuscript that is 325 years old. Due to acid from the ink, some pages bled through the other side; the worst of the pages I painstakingly cleaned up and reconstructed; however, there is a lot of "noise" or spots; some text is faint; some dark. It is readable; but will not be an easy read. This may be only for die-hard enthusiasts, collectors, researchers. 100 hours have been invested in preparing this for printing. The reprint quality is poor to fair. It is probably 99.5% readable; but may take some concerted effort in some places. No refunds on this title. Do not order it if you do not think you will be able to handle the care required to read it. One original copy was available on the used market for around $800 a few years ago. It has since disappeared. While I am disappointed with the quality, I am glad to be able to present such a rare title available nowhere else on earth.

Rise of the Celts (1934) Henri Hubert, 350p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (24)]

The Robber Barons: Great American Capitalists 1861-1901 (1934), Matthew Josephson, 480p. (Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Morgan, Rockefeller, Astor, Rothschild, etc. (CB-OS-8½x11) [mcg = (28)]

Romance of Bible Chronology (1913), Anstey, 305p. (CB-8½x11) [mcg= (18)]

Russia Cannot Win (1953), Charles Fowler, (Christian-Israel perspective) 193pp. plastic comb-bound [mcg = (14)]

—The Russian Primary Chronicle (written in 12th century by Netor; translated 1930 by Samuel H. Cross; also called the Chronicle of Nestor/Nestorius or the Laurentian Text), 245pp. (reprinted from Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature, Volume XII); very rare book, computer-enhanced edition, reg. book sized, plastic comb bound [mcg = (30)]

Sabbath To Sunday (from Catholic Mirror of 1893, Archdioc. of Baltimore newspaper under famous Cardinal Gibbons). Amazing confession: change of Sabbath to Sunday solely due to Roman Church. 6p. (11x17 tabloid) [mcg = (2)]

Sacred History of World As Displayed in Creation & Subseq. Events To Deluge (1834) Prof. Sharon Turner, 2 Vol, 1154p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (70)]

—Saint Joseph of Arimathea of Glastonbury or The Apostolic Church of Britain (1927), Rev. Lionel Smithett Lewis, 54p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (7.50)]

Samuel Untermeyer’s "Sacred War" Speech (1933) with Coughlin’s Comments (1942), 12p. (stplbk., CEE) [mcg = (1.25)]

Satan’s New Testament: Devil’s Bible: Sensational Analysis of Zionist Plan For World Power, Gerald L.K. Smith (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (4)]

Scientific Confirmation of Old Testament History (1907), G. F. Wright, 432p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (28)]

—The Seed of Isaac (c.1880), J.D. Granger, xiv/283pp. (CB-SBS, AIP) [mcg = (25)] (very rare book)

The Seventy Weeks of Daniel, Stough, 70p, (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (7)]

A Short Survey of the Bible, Henry W. Stough, 30p (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (4)]

—Six Old English Chronicles (Ethewerd’s Chronicle, Asser’s Life of Alfred, Geoffrey of Monmouth’s British History, Gildas, Nennius, and Richard of Cirencester) (1848), J.A. Giles, editor; 512pp., standard book size, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (40)], computer enhanced edition

Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy: Parthia (1872), Rawlinson, 470p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (33)]

67 Subjects: Eyewitness Account: A Diary/Survey/Interpretation, Gerald L.K. Smith, 117p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (12)]

The Simple Truth (1940) Pascoe Goard, 32p. [mcg = (3.50)]

—Sketches of the Covenanters (1913) J.C. McFeeters, (CB-8½x11, CEE), 412 pages. [mcg = (25)]

Sketches of Creation: Popular View of Some of Grand Conclusions of Sciences in Reference to The History of Matter and of Life (1870), Alexander Winchell, 460p. (CB-SBS) [mcg = (28)]

Secret of the Universe (1932) [later retitled Trinity in the Universe—both out of print), by Nathan R. Wood, President of Gordon College of Theology, Boston, Mass., forward by G. Campbell Morgan, 223pp., plastic comb-bound, 8.5x11 side-by-side photocopy [mcg = (18)] normal book sized, Computer enhanced edition, perfect quality. [mcg = (25)]

The Song of Deborah (reduced to meter with a new translation and commentary to which are added notes etc. (1753), William Green, 50p. (stplbk.) (CEE) [mcg = (6)]

The Spanish People: Their Origin, Growth, and Influence (1901), Martin A.S. Hume, xix./535pp. [mcg = (30)]

Spiritual Law in the Natural World (1938), Rev. Rupert, C. Thomas, D.Litt. 64p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (6)]

Stalin or Hitler, Who is Worse?, T Angelaitis (Lithuania, 1950), 48p. (stplbk., CEE) [mcg = (4)]

Still ‘Tis Our Ancient Foe (1962) Kenneth Goff, 120pp. plastic-comb-bound, book-sized reprint [mcg = (9)]

—The Story of Ireland (1905) Condensed Edition, Prof. C.A.L. Totten, 71pp., stapleback, retype-set [mcg = (5)]

—The Story of the Nations: The Story of Norway (1895), Hjalmar H. Boyeson, xxvpp.,/556pp.,/ivpp., plastic comb bound, standard book size, Computer Enhanced Edition; quality near perfect. [mcg = (40)] rare book, illustrated

[Excellent book in an excellent series of which we are proud to offer over a dozen (and the first one I highly recommend):

@—The Goths (1891) Henry Bradley, Henry, 376pp,.computer enhanced, plastic comb-bound rare book [mcg = (30)] Excellent book! A must for students of our heritage. Others are: Austria, Bohemia, Carthage, Early Brittons, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Medieval France, Scotland, South Africa, Switzerland, Wales; they typically range from 310pp. to 380pp., thus [mcg = (25) to mcg = (32)]

These will be produced upon the first request (so it may take a month or so).

We will also make all of them (except Norway) available in 8.5x11 (not computer enhanced) plastic comb-bound, 2 pages of original text per photocopy, for those with less funds for homeschooling but who still want the information—for 40% off the price of the book-sized computer enhanced reproductions, thus from [mcg = (15) to mcg = (19)] SPECIFY WHICH FORMAT! While it will take a month or so to produce one in book sized and computer enhanced, it will not require any additional time for the 8.5x11 editions.

—Studies in Ezekiel (1926) Commander L.G.A. Roberts, 108pp. plastic-comb-bound, computer enhanced [mcg = (10)] rare book

Studies in Genesis (c.1955), Conrad Gaard, 27pp. 8.5x11 (was booklet size, but was small print, so I enlarged it to make for easier reading.) [mcg = (2.50)] (computer enhanced)

Studies in the Book of Daniel, Stough, 32p, (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (4)]

Symbols in the Scriptures, Stough, c.60p., (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (6)]

Take Your Choice: Separation or Mongrelization (1947), Sen. (former Govr. of Miss.) Theod. Bilbo, 330p [mcg = (28)] [CEE]

The Ten Commandments, Stough, c.80p., (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (9)]

—Teutonic Unity (1951), Earnest Sevier Cox, 304pp., book sized, plastic comb bound, computer enhanced [mcg = (25)]

This Time The World (1963), Com. George Lincoln Rockwell, 264p. [mcg = (20)]

Thou Art My Servant, Israel!, Stough, Vol 1 & 2 (in 1 vol.,) 350p., (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (22)]

—Through World Chaos to Cosmic Christ (1944), David Davidson, 197pp. new paperback printing (AIP) [mcg = (28)]

Through the Veil, Wesley Swift, 42p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (3)]

To Heal A Nation, Snook, 186p. plastic comb-bound, computer enhanced reprint (U.S.A. & Scripture) [mcg = (12)] Highly recommended, Repentance for our sins and obedience to God’s Law is the answer for our nation.

Trail of the Serpent, Stoddard, 332p. (CB-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (23)]

—The Treason Series: Vol. 1: The Great Conspiracy (1968), Norbert Murray, very detailed. Formats: standard book size, computer enhanced, plastic comb bound, 288pp. [mcg = (25)] or as he originally produced it (intending to later print it in book size) 11x17, 26pp., 6 book size pages per page, smaller print, face-stapled [mcg = (15)] (will have to be folded in half to be mailed in 11x17 format).

The True Ecclesia (1954), Cmdr D.H. MacMillan, M.B.E., R.N.R., 36p. (stplbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (3.50)]

—Triumph of British-Israel (1930), James Mountain, D.D., 336pp. new paperback printing (AIP) [mcg = (28)]

The Truth About Democracy (1944), Alexander Ratcliffe, 23p. (stplbk., CEE) [mcg = (2)]

—Twelve Baskets: Study in Colossians (1935), Rev. Rupert C. Thomas, 48pp. (CB-stplbk., AIP) [mcg = (3.50)]

The Two Worlds, E.T. Tennyson (possibly a relative of Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Alfred’s Brother, F. Tennyson, Esq. was an Anglo-Israel believer), 28pp., retype-set booklet form of an older article. [mcg = (2)] some interesting ideas on the nature of the earth’s geography before the Flood, and how it will be restored in the Kingdom

—Unending Hate (1955), Earnest Sevier Cox (Author of White America), 47pp., stapleback, computer enhanced [mcg = (4.50)]

The USA in Bible Prophecy: 2 Sermons Preached to the US Congress in 1857 by Rev. F. E. Pitts of Tenn., 57pp., pb., [mcg = (4)]

United States In Bible Prophecy: Three-Headed Eagle & George Washington’s Vision (1935) M. Wyatt, 122p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (12)]

Verse By Verse: From Genesis to Malachi (1901) W.M.H. Milner (Oxonian), 185p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (16)]

Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos (Christian Resistence To Tyranny) (retypset 1679 ed.), 201p. (CB-OS-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (20)]

Visions of Heaven and Hell (1600’s) John Bunyan, 63p. (stpbk., CEE) [mcg = (3)]

Was Jesus A Jew?, Parker/Was Our Lord A Jew? Together With A Discussion of the Jewish Question, Armitage (1925) / Was Our Lord Jesus Christ A Jew?, Harbour, 3 booklets in one, 86p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (10)]

—The Way Out: God’s All Wise Plan For Deliverance of the United States of America and the Associated British Nations, Keen Polk (c.1930), (includes his "Everything After Its Kind"), 99pp., computer enhanced edition, rare book, plastic comb-bound [mcg = (10)]

We Europeans: Survey of Racial Problems (1935), J. S. Huxley/A. D. Haddon, 300p, (CB-8½x11) [mcg = (22)]

The Welsh Triads and Laws of Howel the Good (taken from Welsh Medieval Law (1909), Wade-Evans, 270p. (CB-8½x11, CEE) [mcg = (18)]

Were the Jews the First Nazis? (1941), Masson & Jensen, 24pp. booklet [mcg = (2)]

—The Westminster Annotations and Commentary on the Whole Bible (1657) Westminster Divines and Other Puritans (Gouge, Gataker, et al.), 6 Vol., 2383pp. (CB-8½x11) [mcg = (150); Hb (300)] Contains notes of the Geneva Bible as improved upon and expanded by leaders of the 2nd reformation. One of the major classics among Puritan commentaries. Some of the contributors: Rev. Ley, Dr. Gouge, Mr. Casaubon, Mr. Taylor, Dr. Reynolds, Mr. Smallwood, Mr. Gataker, Mr. Pemberton, Bishop Richardson, Dr. Featly, Mr. Downham, Mr. Reading.

White America (1923, 1937), Earnest Sevier Cox, 220p. (Cb-SBS, CEE) [mcg = (20)]

—A White Man Finds His God (1933) George Benwood, 96 pp. plastic-comb-bound, computer enhanced [mcg = (8)] rare book

Who And Where Are The Lost Ten Tribes, Rev. J. Heslip, 31p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (2.50)]

Who Are the Japanese: Some Israelites? (1932) Professor Odlum, 56p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (5)]

—Who Was Melchizedek?, Dr. James S. McGaw, 24pp. [mcg = (3)]

William Penn’s Plan For the Peace of Europe (1694), 20pp., booklet [mcg = (1.50)]

—The Works of John Knox, John Knox (written c.1550-1560; from 1895 printing) 6 Vol., c.3600pp. (CB-8½x11) [mcg = (200)]

The World Conquerers (1958), Louis Marschalko, 296p. (CB-8½x11) [mcg = (30)]

World Empire (1945), Judge George Armstrong, 127p. (stpbk., CEE) [mcg = (12)]

World Government: The Drama of the Ages (1946) F. Wallace Connon, 152p. (CB-SBS, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (12)]

World Reconstruction, Christianity & Israel, Orthodoxy or Israel, Latter Day Phases of God’s Kingdom (c.1936), Rev. Claud Coffin, (4 booklets in 1), 50p. (stpbk., CEE, AIP) [mcg = (6)]

The Yellow Peril: The Orient vs. The Occindent (1911), G.G. Rupert, 525pp., plastic-comb bound [mcg = (35)]

—You & Segregation (1955), Herman Talmadge, 79p. (stplbk., CEE) [mcg = (10)]

You, The Law and the Great Deception, Stough, 40p. (CB-OS-8½x11, AIP) [mcg = (5)] [AIP]

Your Heritage Collection, 118 of Comparet’s sermons & radio messages, 354p. (CB-OS-8½x11, CEE, AIP) [mcg = (22)]

[The below "children’s" books were written for public schools c.1874. However, since our schools have been "dumbed down" most likely they are on a college entrance level now. Much good pre-liberal, pre-pseudo-revisionist info.]

History For Young Readers: Canada (1899), McIlwraith, 253pp., [mcg = (18)] (D. Appleton & Co.) CB-8.5x11 (2x2)

Young Folks’ History of England, (1879) Charlotte Yonge, 415pp. [mcg = (28)] (Illustrated) (Estes & Lauriat Co.) CB-8.5x11 (2x2)

Young Folks’ History of Germany, (1878) Charlotte Yonge, 474pp. [mcg = (30)] (Illustrated) (D. Lothrop & Co.) CB-8.5x11 (2x2)

Young Folks’ History of Greece (1879) Charlotte Yonge, 427+p. [mcg = (28)] (Illustrated) (D. Lothrop & Co.) CB-8.5x11 (2x2)

Young Folks’ History of the Netherlands (Holland & Belgium), (1878) Alexander Young, 672pp. [mcg = (40)] (Illustrated) (D. Lothrop & Co.) CB-8.5x11 (2x2)

Young Folks’ History of Russia: Earliest Times to 1880, (1878) Gossip, 254pp. [mcg = (18)] (John W. Lovell & Co.) CB-8.5x11 (2x2)

Young Folks’ History of Russia (1895) Nathan Haskell Dole, 552pp. [mcg = (32)] (Illustrated) (Werner & Co.) CB-8.5x11 (2x2)

Young Folks’ History of Switzerland (1895), Harriet Mackenzie, 605pp. [mcg = (36)] (Illustrated) (Werner & Co.) CB-8.5x11 (2x2)

[Edward A. Freeman’s Historical Course for Schools Series:]

(Young People’s) History of England (1873) Edith Thompson, 252+p. [mcg = (18)] (Illustrated) CB-8.5x11 (2x2)

(Young People’s) History of France (1874) Charlotte Yonge, 190+p. [mcg = (15)] (Illustrated) CB-8.5x11 (2x2)

(Young People’s) History of Germany (1874), James Sime, 282+p. [mcg = (20)] (Illustrated) CB-8.5x11 (2x2)

Young People’s History of Ireland (1890), Towle, 314pp., plastic comb bound [mcg = (24)] CB-8.5x11 (2x2)

(Young People’s) History of Italy (1874) William Hunt, 273+p. [mcg = (20)] (Illustrated) CB-8.5x11 (2x2)

(Young People’s) History of Scotland (1874) Margaret MacArthur, 199+p. [mcg = (15)] (Illustrated) CB-SBS

Rare Reprints: Books by Kenneth Goff: Goff was a communist who was converted to Christ (and the Christian Anglo-Israel message) and then assassinated by the communists, but not before exposing their agenda in his numerous books. We will be adding other of his several dozen titles as able. Those in boldface are computer enhanced or re-typeset editions reprinted by STM.

America: Zion of God (1955), 80pp., [mcg = (5)]

Confessions from Stalin’s Agent (1948), 80pp., [mcg = (6)]

From Babylon to Baruch, 24pp., pb., [mcg = (2)]

Hitler and the 20th Century Hoax (1954), 72pp., [mcg = (5)]

Jewish Power (1955), 35pp., [mcg = (3)]

The Long Arm of Stalin (1952), 64pp., [mcg = (4.75)]

The Missing 18 Years in Christ’s Life, 14pp., [mcg = (1.25)]

One World - A Red World (1952), 64pp., [mcg = (4.75)]

Red Betrayal of Youth (1948) 32pp., [mcg = (2.25)]

Reds Promote Racial War (1958), 76pp., (very rare) [mcg = (8)]

Red Shadows (1959), 94pp., comb bound [mcg = (9)]

Red Tide (1962), 64pp., [mcg = (4.75)]

Scarlet Woman of Revelation (1952), 23pp., [mcg = (2)]

Stalin Death: A Super Mystery, 88pp., pb., [mcg = (6)] (Edited, with Copious Notes constituting "A Bolshevik Primer" and illustrations added by Balaicius/STM, 25% Goff, 75% new info, photos exposing "jewish" origins of Bolshevism.

Still ‘Tis Our Ancient Foe (1962), 120pp. plastic comb-bound, [mcg = (10)]

Strange Fire (1954), 200pp., plastic comb-bound,[mcg = (18)]

They Would Destroy Our Way of Life (1944), 48pp., [mcg = (4.50)] 

Traitors In the Pulpit and Treason Toward God (1946), 62pp., [mcg = (4.75)]

Will Congress Outlaw the New Testament?, 32pp., [mcg = (3)]

Will Russia Invade America? (1951), 64pp., [mcg = (4.75)]

Rare Reprints: Books by Joan Hofmeyr: (S. Africa); 1 title was 8.5x11; the others were off-size w/ small print, I enlarged all to 8.5x11 & comb-bound all in 1 vol.: Land In The Shadows, 9pp., The Book of Hebrews and Its Promises, 29pp., O Captive Daughter of Zion, 39pp., Raising An Ensign, 57pp., and South Africa: The Mount Zion He Loved?, c.150pp. [mcg = (20)]

Rare Reprints by Austin App, Ph.D.:

The Curse of Anti-Anti-Semitism: Making Pontius Pilots Out of Politicians, (famous people on the "jews"), 66pp., [mcg = (5)], computer enhanced edition

History’s Most Terrifying Peace: 13 Reprinted and Original Articles, 110pp., plastic comb-bound, computer-enhanced, [mcg = (12)]

The Morgenthau Era Letters, 114pp., 8.5x11, plastic comb-bound; [mcg = (18)] (The "jews’" Final Solution: The plan to destroy Germany considered; see also Germany Must Perish). [computer-enhanced edition]

No Time For Silence, 161pp., plastic comb-bound, computer-enhanced (collection of classic revisionist treatises) [mcg = (15)]

The Six Million Swindle, 43pp., [mcg = (4)]

A Straight Look At the Third Reich, 56pp., [mcg = (4.50)], computer enhanced edition

Rare Reprints by: Lumen (Major Jonathan Samuels): Samuels was an incredible scholar and Israel believer. He used a pen name and people did not know who he was but praised his works. Bullinger used Lumen’s works for the dates Bullinger gives in the notes and appendices in the Companion Bible for Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.

Some Collected Shorter Works of "Lumen" - Major Jonathan Samuels, V.D., R.G.A.; Containing Photos of Major Samuels, as well as the following writings: The Date of Malachi, Assyriology and Its Bearing on the Biblical Narrative, Scholars At Variance, and Chronological Coincidences, published between the dates 1911-1916 in numerous different publications; 64pp., Combined and reprinted by Sacred Truth Ministries 2006 [mcg = (5)] very rare READY