By: Martin Luther


I  Had  decided not to write anymore, neither of the  Jews,  nor  against  the  Jews. Because I have learned,  however,  that  those  miserable,  wicked people   do  not  cease  trying  to  win  over  to themselves  us,  that  is,  the  Christians, I have permitted  this booklet to go forth that I might be found  among those who have resisted such poisonous undertaking  of  the  Jews,  and  have  warned  the Christians  to  be  on  their guard against them. I would  not  have  thought  that  a  Christian would permit  himself  to  be fooled by the Jews to share  their exile and misery. But the Devil is the God of the world, and where God's word is not, he has easy sailing,  not  only  among the weak, but also among the strong. God help us. Amen.

                                     MARTIN LUTHER



            In preparing to read this book you are about to view some of the most  sensational and thought‑arresting language ever to be put in print.  The Publishers of this treatise by Dr. Martin Luther, the pioneer of Protestantism, do not necessarily present this work as an accurate expression of their opinion. The chief reason for its publication is to give the reader an accurate translation of Luther's treatment of one of the most delicate and dangerous subjects for a public man to discuss.....the Jews.      This translation is not presented as a sectarian work or a partisan treatise. When we set out to find the book in its original language and when we proceed to have it translated, we were shocked and amazed at the  interference we encountered from a wide variety of sources. Two different  translators were made the victims of intimidation, and only after a rather  dramatic experience were we able to complete its translation in spite of  its brevity.

            In effecting the translation of this work we became increasingly convinced that a well organized plot to keep this book hidden exists.  Luther's experience with the Jews was very disappointing. He spent many years trying to convert them. Like St. Paul, he gave the Jews the first chance at the gospel, but concluded in later years, as the reader will soon see, that his efforts in this direction were futile.

            This book is published only in the interest of accuracy. If it falls into  the hands of the highly technical student of the 16th Century German, the  Publishers will appreciate any correction which might improve the next  edition of this work. The demand for this little book is so great that we  expect it to go into numerous editions. We find among sincere Christian  people a deep resentment over the fact that the work of one as prominent as  Martin Luther has been kept so scientifically and so deliberately away from  the eyes of his millions of admirers.

            Some of Dr. Luther's language will shock the reader, but it is our business to give to you the words of the Reformer just as he wrote them, and not on the basis of our agreement or disagreement.

            Regardless of any other purpose that this translation may serve, it will  serve one fundamental purpose; namely, this generation is not the first  generation which has faced a Jewish problem. Yes, it will serve a second  purpose; namely, an alertness to the Jewish problem does not necessarily  indicate that the individuals who are alerted are depraved or  un‑Christian.          



Note: The readers of this work are warned not to conclude that the Luther viewpoint concerning the Jews is necessarily Protestant. Numerous Popes used language as strong, if not stronger, than the language used by Dr. Luther. In fact, the ghettos were established by Papal edict, and the segregation of Christian communities from Jewish communities originated in  edicts coming out of Rome. The purpose of this note is to warn the readers  that the problem has never been uniquely Protestant or Catholic or in any  way sectarian. Men of all faiths have agreed with Luther and men of all  faiths have disagreed with Luther.


            Attention, Doubters: Some individuals will doubt that these writings originated with Martin Luther. For the information of the reader the original language may be found in Martin Luther's works in the Congressional Library, Washington D.C., and in any one of several accredited  Lutheran seminaries. Numerous clergymen of all denominations are aware of  the existence of this work. They are also aware of the fact that this is  the first English translation to be published in the United  far as we are able to ascertain.

Note: This published work by Luther was among the last of his writings.  Luther, it will be recalled, died in the prime of life, having lived only  to the age of 63.


Now we give you...........


                                THE JEWS AND THEIR LIES


Grace and Peace in the Lord!

Dear Sir and Good Friend:

I have received a treatise of a Jew carrying on a conversation with a  Christian in which the Jew has the audacity to pervert and misconstrue the  passages of Scripture (which we use for our faith, of our Lord Christ, and  of Mary, His mother) whereby he means to overthrow the foundation of our  faith.  To this I give to you and to him this answer.

It is not my intention to quarrel with the Jews or to learn from them how  they interpret and understand the Scriptures. I have known all that before.  Much less do I intend to convert the Jews. For that is impossible. Nor does  it do any good among the Jews everywhere, and they have generally become  worse. Also, because they became so hardened to visitations that they do  not want to become conscious of the terrible dilemma, that they have now  been in exile for over fourteen hundred years, and cannot yet see an end or  a definite time (of relief) through fervent, eternal crying and screaming  to God (as they suppose).  (I say) If visitations do not help, we might as  well figure that our talking and interpreting will help much less.


                                    NO USE TO QUARREL


            Therefore, a Christian should be satisfied and not quarrel with the Jews.  But if you think you must or desire to talk with them, do not say more than  this: 'Do you hear, Jew, do you know that your principality together with  the temple and priesthood are destroyed now for 1460 years? For this year,  as we Christians write after the birth of Christ 1543, it is exactly 1469  years, and is thus going on 1500 years since Vespasianus and Titus destroyed Jerusalem and expelled the Jews from it.' On this little nut let the  Jews bite and dispute among themselves as long as they want to.   For such terrible wrath of God is sufficient proof that they certainly  must be in error and doing wrong; even a child can grasp that. For no one  should think of God so terrible that He would punish His own nation so unmercifully and keep silent by neither comforting words nor indicating the  duration or end of such misery! Who would want to believe in such a God,  hope in HIM, or trust in HIM? Therefore this wrath leads to the conclusion  that the Jews are certainly rejected by God and are not His people anymore,  and He also is not their God anymore; according to the passage, Hosea 1:9  'Lo, Ammi: You are not my people, so also am I not your God.' Yea, they are  in a terrible dilemma. Whatever interpretation they may place on it, we see  the thing before our eyes, it does not deceive us.


                          VICTIMS OF THE WRATH OF GOD


            And wherever there should be a spark of sense and reason in them, they  would certainly think to themselves thus:..'O Lord God, things are not  right with us, our misery is too great, our exile too long and too hard,  God has forgotten us,' etc. I, of course, am not a Jew, but I seriously do  not like to think about such terrible wrath of God over this nation. I  shudder so much that it penetrates my body and life. What will be the  eternal wrath of God in hell over all false Christians and unbelievers?   Well, the Jews may regard our Lord Jesus Christ as whatever they desire;  we see the fulfillment of Luke 21:20‑23:..'When ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh...for  these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be  fulfilled.' [King James Version, Chapter 21:20,22].

            In short, as was said: Do not dispute much with the Jews about the  articles of our faith. From childhood they have been brought up with poison  and hatred against our Lord, that there is no hope until they arrive at the  point where through their misery they become soft and compelled to confess  that the Messiah has come and is our Lord Jesus Christ. Otherwise it is altogether too soon, yea, altogether in vain to dispute with them...In order  to strengthen our faith, we shall consider a few instances of foolishness  in their faith and interpretation of the Scriptures, because they slander  our faith in such a mean way. Should it bring about the improvement of a  Jew, that he become ashamed, so much the better! We are not talking with   the Jews, but of the Jews and their deeds, which our German people will  know.

            They hold one principal on which they depend and in which they trust so  much. That is, they are born of the highest people on earth, of Abraham,  Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob, etc. We (Goyim) heathen are not human beings  in their sight, but hardly worthy to be regarded as worms. For we are not  of that high, noble blood, birth and descent.

            This is their argument, and in my opinion the foremost and strongest.  Therefore, God must suffer them in their schools, prayers, songs, doctrine  and entire life; there they stand before HIM and pester HIM (that I may  speak of God in such human manner). He must hear how they exalt themselves  and praise God for separating them from the heathen, and permitting them to  be born of the holy fathers and chosen them for His own, holy nation, etc.  And there is no end of boasting about blood and bodily birth of the  fathers.


                        THEIR SELF‑RIGHTEOUS BOASTING


            In order that their raving, frantic and foolish nonsense might be  perfect, they praise and thank God, first, that they are human beings and  not animals; secondly, that they are Israelites and not Goyim (heathen);  thirdly, that they were created as Men and not as Women. Such foolishness  they do not have from Israel, but from the Goyim. For thus the historians  write that the Greek Plato daily gave such praise and thanks to God, if  such blasphemy and haughtiness could be called the praise of God. For that  man also praised his gods for these three things, that he was man and not  animal, a man and not a woman, a Greek and not a non‑Greek of barbarous.  Such is the praying of a fool and the praise of a blasphemous barbarous;  just as the Mals imagine that they alone are human beings and all the rest  of the world nothing but inhuman beings, ducks, or mice.

            Well, no one can deprive them of their boasting about blood and the tribe  of Israel. In the Old Testament they lost many a battle on that account.  (No Jew understands this). All prophets have chided them because of it, for  it is a proud, carnal assumption without spirit and faith; but they have  also been murdered and persecuted because of it.


                                CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL


            Our Lord also calls them 'Vipers.'  In John 8:39: 'If ye were Abraham's  children, ye would do the works of Abraham. Verse 44: 'Ye are of your  father, the Devil.'

            This was unbearable for them, that they should be the children of the  Devil, as they cannot bear it yet. For if they would have to give us this  foundation (Abraham's children), everything they have built upon it would  have to fall and be different. [In the following this self‑praise is  refuted from Scripture as unfounded assumptions. These dissertations then  close with these words:] But this will I say for the strengthening of our  faith. For the Jews will not let this pride and this glory of their  nobility and blood be taken away from them, as said above. They are hardened.

            Our people, however, should be on their guard against these hardened, condemned people (who accuse God of lying and proudly despise the whole  world), that they be not misled. For the Jews would gladly entice us to  accept their faith and do so wherever they can. For if God should be gracious toward the Jews, they first would have to do away out of their  schools, out of their hearts, and out of their mouths, all such blasphemous prayers and songs, and the boasting and pride about their blood. For  such prayer constantly increases God's wrath upon them. But they will not  do this, nor humble themselves, except a few individuals whom God draws  especially and redeems them from their terrible destruction.


                                   EXALT THEMSELVES


            The other boast and superiority, on account of which they exalt themselves above all other people and despise them, is this: that from Abraham  on down they have circumcision. God help, how we heathen here must suffer  in their schools, prayers, songs and teaching! How ugly we despised people  stink before their noses because we are not circumcised, etc...   [Here follow lengthy theological treatises based on numerous passages  from Scripture.] They are pictured in it in a masterful manner before all  heathen; for they are the very people who always practiced such ungodly  manner of idolatry, and false doctrine, and have had uncircumcised hearts  as Moses himself, and all prophets lament over them; but at the same time  have endeavored to please God and for that reason killed the prophets. They  are the wicked and hardened people who did not suffer themselves to be converted from their evil to good deeds through preaching, teaching, chiding  of the prophets, as Scripture testifies everywhere. Yet they want to be  God's servants and stand before Him! They are boastful, proud fools who to  this day can not do more than to praise themselves because of their nobility and blood; praise themselves alone and despise and condemn the whole  world in their schools, prayers, and teachings; yet they imagine themselves  to be standing before God as His dearest children!


                              LIARS AND BLOODHOUNDS


            They are the real liars and bloodhounds, who have not only perverted and  falsified the entire Scriptures from beginning to end and without ceasing  with their interpretations. And all of the anxious sighing, longing and  hope of their hearts is directed to the time when some day they would like  to deal with us heathen as they dealt with the heathen in Persia at the  time of Esther.....O how they love that book Esther, which so nicely agrees  with their bloodthirsty, revengeful and murderous desire and hope! The sun  never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they who  imagine to be the people of God who desire to and think they must murder  and crush the heathen. And the foremost undertaking which they expect of  their Messiah is that He should slay and murder the whole world with their  sword. As they at first demonstrated against us Christians and would like  to do so now, if they only could; have also tried it often and have been  repeatedly struck on their snouts. But of this perhaps later.   [Here Luther uncovers the deepest cause of the ever‑recurring persecution  of the Jews: their own fault and overbearing pride. Luther now enumerates  more references of which the Jews boast, in addition to circumcision; the  Mosaic Law and the Jewish self‑righteousness based on it, cites the multitude of Bible passages which lament over the falling away, unbelief and unrighteousness of the Jewish nation and speaks of the Devils with whom he  compares the Jews.]


                              WORSE THAN THE HEATHEN


            How much better it would be for them if they did not have God's Commandment or did not know it. For if they did not have it, they would be un-condemned. They are condemned because they have God's Commandment and do not  keep it, but act against it without ceasing......

            In like manner murderers and whores, thieves and scoundrels and all evil  men could boast they are God's holy and chosen people, because they have  His Word and know that they should fear and obey Him, love Him, and serve  Him, honor His Name, do not commit murder, do not commit adultery, etc....  Since, however, they are sinning and are condemned, it is certain that they  have the most holy and correct Word of God against which they are sinning.  Let them boast, like the Jews, that God has sanctified them through His  Law, and chosen them before all people as His peculiar nation.   Such is also the glory of the Jews when they boast in their schools,  praise and thank God that He has sanctified them through His Law and made  them His chosen nation, while they are well aware that they are keeping  none of those things, are filled with pride, envy, usury, avarice and all  meanness, and most of all those among them who act very pious and holy in  their prayers. For they are so blinded that they do not only practice usury  (that I should be silent about their other vices), but teach it as a right  which God had commanded them through Moses, in which as in other ways also,  they lie about God in a miserable manner, about which there is no time to  speak now.




If the Ten Commandments are not kept, what is the keeping of other commandments otherwise than jugglery and trickery, yea, a real mockery in which  God is treated like a fool? Just as if a mean Devils head among us would  march along in robes of bishop or preacher, and keep all the laws and ways  of such persons outwardly, but under that spiritual decoration were a real  Devil, wolf, an enemy of the Church and a blasphemer who would tread under  foot, curse and condemn both the Gospel and the Ten Commandments: O what a  wonderful saint that would be before God.

            Or if in this world a beautiful woman were to parade in a wreath (token  of virginity) and follow all manners, rights and behavior of maidenly  modesty and virginity, but underneath were nothing but a nasty, shameful  whore transgressing the Ten Commandments, what would her fine obedience  help her if outwardly she observed the rights and ways of virginity? This  it would do to her, that people would despise her seven times more than a  free, public whore! Thus God always chided Israel a mean whore through His  prophets, because they practiced all manner of idolatry and wickedness  under the show of outward commandments and sanctity. As Hosea especially  laments Chapter 2:4-5: 'I will not have mercy upon her children; for they  be the children of whoredoms. For their mother hath played the harlot: she  that conceiveth them hath done shamefully: for she said, I will go after my  lovers, that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, mine oil  and my drink.' It is nice indeed to find a maiden or woman who is pious,  cleanly and decently dressed and outwardly behaving in a modest manner. But  when she is a whore; the dress, decorations, wreath and trinkets would  appear more honest on a sow in the mire. As Solomon says:  'A golden braid  on the nose of a sow is as a beautiful, silly woman.'

            Therefore, they might as well keep from boasting about outward obedience  to the Laws of Moses without true obedience to God's Ten Commandments. Yea,  it makes them sevenfold more unworthy to be the people of God than the  heathen.

            Let them alone!  And let us remain with those who pray the miserere, the  51st Psalm, that is, who know and understand what the Law is and what is  keeping or not keeping the Law.

            From this, dear Christian, note what you are doing when you permit these  blinded Jews to mislead you, In such an instance the proverb certainly is  fulfilled: 'Where the blind leads the blind, both will fall into the  ditch.' More you cannot learn from them. To lack understanding of God's  commandments and yet be proud and overbearing towards the heathen who are  much better than they are before God, because they do not have such pride  of holiness, and yet do much more of the Law than the proud saints and  condemned blasphemers and liars.


                             THEIR SCHOOLS A DEVIL'S NEST


            Therefore be on your guard against the Jews and know that where they have  their schools there is nothing but the Devil's nest in which self‑praise,  vanity, lies, blasphemy, disgracing God and man, are practiced in the bitterest and most poisonous way as the Devils do themselves. Wherever you see  or hear a Jew teaching, do not think otherwise than that you are hearing a  poisonous Basiliskus who with his face poisons and kills people. (Medieval  legend.) Through God's wrath they have been delivered to believe that all  of their boasting, vanity, lying to God, something well becoming to such  noble blood of the fathers and circumcised saints (no matter how mean they  otherwise might know themselves to be in gross vices) which service they  think they have rendered hereby. Look out for them!

            They brag and boast that they have had the land of Canaan, the city of  Jerusalem and the temple from God. Although God has overthrown such boasting and vanity many times, especially through the king of Babylon who led  them away and destroyed everything, like the King of Assyria had before led  away and destroyed the entire Israel. Finally they were rooted up and devastated by the Romans, now almost 1400 years ago, nor will He regard  country, city, temple, priesthood and principality, that He should consider  them His own chosen people on that account; yet their iron neck (as Isaiah  calls it) is not bowed, nor has their iron forehead become red with shame.  They constantly remain stiff‑necked, blinded, hardened, and immovable.  Still hope that God will bring them home again and give everything back to  them.


                                    DEVIL POSSESSED


            They do not see and hear that God had given everything for the purpose  that they should keep His Commandments; therefore they should be His people  and Church. Just as they boast of their blood and nobility, but that they  should keep His Commandments, on account of which and for which purpose he  had chosen them, that they do not see and regard. They boast about their  circumcision, but the purpose for which they were keep  God's Commandment...does not mean anything to them. They know how to boast  of their Law, Temple, Divine Services, city, country and principality; but  disregard the purpose for which they had it. The Devil has possessed these  people with all his angels; that they always boast of outward things, their  gifts, their accomplishments and deeds, which is to offer up the empty  shells without the kernels. Those He is to look upon and on their account  take them (the people who offer them) for His nation, exalt and bless them  above all heathen. But that they should keep His Commandments and keep Him  as their God, that they will not accept. The saying of Moses applies to  them: 'They do not regard Me as God, therefore I do not regard them as my  people,' as also says Hosea 1:9.

            If God had not permitted the people of Jerusalem to be torn asunder and  driven them from the land, but had let them keep it after as before, no one  could convince them that they are not God's chosen nation. Because they  would still have the temple, city and country, regardless of their wickedness, disobedience and stiff‑neckness. Although many prophets would daily  cry out and a thousand Moses' be standing here and exclaiming: 'You are not  the people of God, because you are disobedient and rebellious.' Even now  they cannot give up their insane raving boast that they are the chosen  people of God, after they have been dispersed and rejected for 1500 years!  Still they hope to get back there because of their own merits. There is no  promise for that on which they could lean for comfort, except what they  smear into the Scriptures according to their own imagination.... Thus the  Jews at last continue in their willfulness, and knowingly want to err and  not leave their Rabbis, and therefore we also must leave them to their  poisonous blasphemies and lies, and disregard them.


                              DISHONEST WITH SCRIPTURE


            I have also had this experience...Three learned Jews came to me in the  hope of finding a new Jew in me, because here in Wittenberg we began to  read Hebrew. They also pretended that things would soon improve because we  Christians were reading their books. When I disputed with them, they acted  according to their kind; gave me their interpretations. When I compelled  them to remain with the text, they fell from the test and said they had to  believe their Rabbis, as we had to believe the Bishops and Doctors, etc...  Then I had mercy on them, gave them a recommendation for safe‑conduct to  the guides, that they should permit them to pass for the sake of Christ.  Later I was informed that they called Christ a 'Tola', i.e., a hanged malefactor. Therefore, I do not care to have anything to do with any Jew. St.  Paul says they are given over to wrath. The more you try to help them the  harder and more wicked they become. Let them alone! [Here follow many  proofs from the Bible which are accompanied by detailed theological,  scientific, and therefore in general not understood, citations, which cannot be restated here because of their volume, although they are powerful  and correspond with Luther's German essence and often strike the nail on  the head in a preciously forward manner. Form the wealth of striking Scripture passages, only the following are here cited: Haggai 2:6,7:..'Thus  saith the Lord of Hosts: yet once, it is a little while and I will shake  the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land. And I will shake  all nations! and the desire of all nations shall come.' ('All nations is  equal to 'heathen'). Under the 'Desire of Nations' the ancient people designated the 'Messiah'.]

            The Jews deny that He came when the temple was still standing and claim  that He shall still come, as they now have been waiting 1568 years after  the destruction of that same temple...and cannot be called a 'little  while', because they do not yet know the end of such a 'long while'.


                            GOLD AND SILVER THEIR MESSIAH


            He will never come, for He has missed the 'little while' and has gotten  into the great, long while, which will never come to anything. For the  prophet speaks of a 'little while', not of a great, long while!   But here they squirm out of it in this way: Since they cannot deny the  'little while', they take the expression: 'Desire of Nations,' in Hebrew  'Hemdath,' by itself, and crucify it. Say it should not designate 'Messiah'  , but should denote all gold and silver of the heathen. Because the word  'Hemdath,' according to the grammar, really means 'Desire and love for,' as  that which the heathen desire and love. And now the text shall read thus:  'After a little while the desire of all heathen shall come.' What is that?  What do the heathen desire? Gold, silver, and jewels. You may be inclined  to ask why the Jews insert such interpretations here. I will say: Their  breath stinks for the gold and silver of the heathen, since no people under  the sun always have been, still are, and always will remain more avaricious  than they (the Jews) as can be noticed in their cursed usury. They also  find comfort with this: 'When Messiah comes, He shall take all the gold and  silver in the world and distribute it among them (the Jews).' Thus wherever  they can direct Scripture to their insatiable avarice (desire for money)  they wickedly do so. You would think that God and His prophets did not know  of anything else to prophecy than how the fathomless avarice of the Jews  could be satisfied with the silver and gold of the heathen.   Since childhood they have devoured such poisonous hatred against the  Goyim from their parents and Rabbis, and still devour such without ceasing,  that according to Psalm 109 it has gone over into their flesh and blood,  bone and morrow, and has become their life and being. And as little as they  can alter flesh and blood, bone and morrow, so little can they change such  pride and envy. They just have to stay that way and be ruined, if God does  not perform a special miracle.


                            A BITTER, POISONOUS ENEMY


            Therefore know, my dear Christian, that next to the Devil you have no  more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement an enemy than a real Jew who  earnestly desires to be a Jew. There may be some among them who believe  what the cow or the goose believes. But all of them are surrounded with  their blood and circumcision. In history, therefore, they are often accused  of poisoning wells, stealing children and mutilating them; as in Trent,  Weiszensee, etc.  Of course, they deny this. Be it so or not, however, I  know full well that the full, ready will is not lacking with them if they  would only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly. Know this for a  certainty and act accordingly!

            Should they at times do something good, however, know full well that it  is not done out of love for you, nor for your good. In order to have space  to live among us they must of necessity do something. But their heart is  and remains as I have said. Do you not want to believe me? Then read Lyra,  Burgen and others, honorable and truthful men. If they had not written it,  Scripture reveals that the two seeds of the serpent and of the woman are at  enmity, and there is no concord between God and the Devil. This is also  found in gross form in their writings and prayer books.

            A person who does not know the Devil, might wonder why they are so at  enmity with the Christians above all others; for which they have no reason,  since we only do good to them. They live among us in our homes, under our  protection, use land and highways, market and streets. Princes and government sit by, snore and have their mugs (mouth) open, let the Jews take from  their purse and chest, steal and rob whatever they will. That is, they  permit themselves and their subjects to be abused and sucked dry and reduced to beggars with their own money, through the usury of the Jews. For the  Jews, as foreigners, certainly should have nothing; and what they have certainly must be ours. They do not work, do not earn anything from us,  neither do we donate or give it to them. Yet they have our money and goods  and are lords in our land where they are in exile.

            If a thief steals ten gulden he must hang; if he robs people on the highway, his head is gone. But a Jew, when he steals ten tons of gold through  his usury, is dearer than God Himself.


                                IN SECRET THEY CURSE US


            And as a distinguishing mark, they strengthen their faith and bitter  hatred against us by saying among themselves:. 'Keep on, see how God is  with us and does not forsake His people in exile. We do not work, we enjoy  good, lazy days; the cursed Goyim must work for us, we get their money;  thereby we are their masters, they, however, our servants. Keep on, dear  Children of Israel, it will be better still! Our Messiah will come if we  thus continue and appropriate to ourselves, by usury, the 'Hemdath'  (Hebrew: desire, possessions) of the heathen!'

            Well, all this we accept from them while we are protecting them: yet  they curse us, as said before. But of this later.

[After lengthy exegetic, historical dissertations there follows a  highly interesting paragraph from which it may be seen that Luther was  acquainted with the Talmud and Schulchan‑Aruch already at his time, which  explains his changed attitude over against the Jew question.]   Do not their Talmud and Rabbis write that it is no sin to kill if a Jew  kills a heathen, but it is sin if he kills a brother in Israel! It is no  sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen. Therefore, to steal and rob  (as they do with their usury) from a heathen, is a divine service. For they  hold that they cannot be too hard on us nor sin against us, because they  are the noble blood and circumcised saints; we however, cursed Goyim. And  they are the masters of the world and we are their servants, yea, their  cattle! In short, as the Rabbis have taught them, so also their Evangelists  tell us (Matthew 15:6, 'And honor not his father or his mother, he shall  be free. Thus have ye made the Commandment of God of no effect by your  tradition.') that they have abolished the Fifth Commandment about honoring  father and mother; and Matthew 23:13 ('But woe unto you, scribes and  Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men:  for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering  to go in.') practiced more shameful doctrines, not to mention what Christ  says, Matthew 5:28: 'But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman  to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.'  how they cunningly preached and expounded the Ten Commandments! And into  the temple they had placed money changers, merchants and all manner of  avaricious trade, that our Lord Christ said they had made God's house a den  of thieves! Because so many souls were murdered through avaricious, false  doctrine; that is, through two‑fold idolatry. To this day the Jews cling to  such doctrines and do as their fathers did; pervert the Word of God, are  avaricious, practice usury, steal, commit murder (wherever they can do so,  and on and on teach their children to do such.)




            The heathen philosophers and poets write much more honorably; not only  about God's government and future life, but also about temporal virtues.  They write that man is by nature obligated to serve others, also to keep  his word to enemies, and be true and helpful to them especially in need, as  taught by Cicero and his like. Yea, I maintain that in three fables of  Aesop there is more wisdom to be found than in all the books of the Talmudists and Rabbis and more than ever could come into the hearts of the Jews.   Should someone think I am saying too much...I am not saying too much, but  much too little! For I see in writings how they curse us Goyim and wish us  all evil in their schools and prayers. They rob us of our money through  usury, and wherever they are able, they play us all manner of mean tricks;  (what is worst of all) they mean to have the right and well in this, that  is, they think such should be done. No heathen has done such things and  none would do so except the Devil himself and those whom he possesses, like  he possesses the Jews.

            Burgensis, who was a very learned Rabbi among them and by the grace of  God became a Christian (which seldom occurs), is much moved that in their  schools they so horribly curse us Christians (as Lyra also writes) and from  that draws the conclusion that they must not be the people of God. For if  they were the people of God, they would act like the captive Jews did in  Babylon, to whom Jeremiah writes thus: 'Pray for the King of the city where  you are captive; for their peace is also your peace.' But our bastards and  false Jews  think they must curse us, hate and do us all manner of harm  wherever they can do so; for which they have no reason whatsoever. Therefore they certainly are not God's people. More about this later.


                         THEY PROFANE THE NAME OF JESUS


            [Very interesting are the dissertations about the sophisticated manner of  the Jews in hiding their hatred against Jesus under sham names. Here it  says:]

            Accordingly they treat His (Jesus') Name. For Jhesus in Hebrew means  'Healer' or 'Helper'. The ancient Saxons used a name: 'Helprich' or  'Hilprich', which sounds like the name Jhesus which we now would call  'Helprich,' that is, who may or should be able to help. Distortingly, however, the Jews call Him 'Jesu,' which in Hebrew is neither name nor word,  but simply three letters or ciphers, or cipher letters, as if I were to take  the letters CLU as ciphers and make the word CLU out of them, that is 155  (CLU, Roman ciphers: C‑100, L‑50, V‑155.  V and U originally are the same).  Thus they call Jesu, that is 316. Such a figure is said to bring about  another word which means Nebel Borik. About this you may read more in  Anton, Margaritham. What Devil's work they practice with such numbers and  words.

            They treat us Christians in like manner. When we come to them and they  receive us they pervert the word: God welcome you (German..seid Gott  wilkommen) and say: 'Shed wil kom,' that is: 'Devil, come!' or 'There comes  a Devil'. Since we do not understand the Hebrew, they secretly practice  their hatred against us, that we think they are friendly to us while they  curse us with the fire of hell and all misfortune.


                      THEY CALL THE VIRGIN MARY A WHORE


            Thus they call Him (Jesus) the child of a whore and His mother, Mary, a  whore, whom she had in adultery with a smith. Reluctantly I must speak so  coarse in opposing the Devil. Now they well know that they speak such lies  in plain hatred and wilfulness, solely to poison their poor youth and  simple Jews against the Person of Our Lord, to prevent them from accepting  His doctrine (which they cannot deny). Sabastianus Muenster also points out  in his Biblia, that there is said to be a poisonous Rabbi who does not call  the dear mother 'Maria,' but 'Haria', a heap of mud. And who knows what  more they have among themselves of which we know nothing!

 [Luther now shows in elaborate, scientific discussions about the Messiah  and Bar‑Kochab, his thorough knowledge of the Jewish character, the  writings and hopes of Juda and finally arrives at the so‑called 'captivity'  among the Christians.]

            Now behold what a nice, thick, fat lie it is when they complain about  being captives among us. Jerusalem was destroyed more than 1400 years ago  and during that time we Christians have been tortured and persecuted by the  Jews in all the world. For nearly 300 years (as stated above) we might well  complain that during that time they captured and killed the Christians,  which is the clear truth. On top of that, we do not know to this day which  Devil brought them into our country. We did not fetch them from Jerusalem!   On top of all that, no one is holding them now. Land and highways are  open to them; they may move to their country whenever they care to do so!  We would like to add a present in order to get rid of them. They are a  heavy burden to us in our country, like a plague, pestilence, and nothing  but misfortune.

            Do you call that being held captive when a person cannot stand one in his  own house? Why, they hold us Christians in captivity in our own country;  they let us work in the sweat of our noses, while they appropriate money  and goods, sitting behind the stove, are lazy, glutters and guzzlers, live  well and easy on goods for which we have worked, keep us and our goods in  captivity through their cursed usury, mock us and spit on us, because we  must labor and permit them to be noblemen at our expense; thus they are our  lords and masters, we their servants with our own property, sweat and  labor! And to thank us and reward us, they curse our Lord!


                        ENSLAVE US WITH OUR OWN WEALTH


            Should the Devil not laugh and dance, when in this manner he can have his  paradise among us Christians, that through the Jews, his saints, he devours  what is ours and to thank us fills our mugs (mouths) and noses, blasphemes  and curses God and man!

            They could not have enjoyed such good days in Jerusalem under David and  Solomon in their own possessions as they now have in our property, which  they daily steal and rob. Still they complain that we are holding them  captive! Yes, we have and hold them captive, as I would like to keep my  rheumatism, furuncles and all other diseases and misfortune, who must wait  as a poor servant, with money and property and everything I have! I wish  they were in Jerusalem with the Jews and whomsoever they would like to have  with them!

            Since it is certain that we do not hold them captive, how de we deserve  that such great and noble saints are so angry with us? We do not call our  wives whores as they call Maria, the Mother of Jesus; we do not call them  bastards, as they call our Lord Christ. We do not curse them, but wish them  all manner of bodily and spiritual good, permit them to lodge with us. We  don't steal and mutilate their children; do not poison their water; do not  thirst after their blood. With what do we deserve such terrible wrath and  envy and hatred of such holy children of God?

            It is not otherwise than we have quoted from Moses, that God has struck   them with insane blindness and a raving heart, thus it is our fault that we  do not avenge the innocent blood which they shed on our Lord, and the  Christians, for three hundred years after the destruction of Jerusalem, and  from that time on children (which still shines from their eyes and skin).  That we do not slay them, but for all their murder, cursing, blaspheming,  and disgracing, permit them to dwell among us without charge, protect their  schools, houses, body and goods, by which we make them lazy and secure and  help them confidently to squeeze from us our money and goods, and in addition to mock us and spit on us, hoping finally to overcome us and slay all  of us for such great sin and take away all of our goods, as they daily pray  for.

            Now tell me, do they not have great cause to hate us cursed Goyim, to  curse us and seek our final, thorough and eternal ruin?

            Now what are we going to do with these rejected, condemned, Jewish  people?

            We should not suffer it after they are among us and know about such  lying, blaspheming and cursing among them, lest we become partakers of  their lies, cursing, and blaspheming. We cannot extinguish the unquenchable  fire of God's wrath (as the prophets say), nor convert the Jews. We must  practice great mercy with prayer and godliness that we might rescue a few  from the flame and violent heat.

            We are not permitted to take revenge. Revenge is around their neck a  thousand times greater than we could wish them. I will give you my true  counsel:

First, that we avoid their synagogues and schools and warn people  against them. And such should be done to the glory of God and Christendom,  that God may see that we are Christians and have not knowingly tolerated  such lying, cursing and blaspheming of His Son and His Christians. For what  we so far have tolerated in ignorance (I myself did not know it), God will  forgive us. Now that we know it, however, and in spite should before our  very noses tolerate such a building for the Jew in which they blaspheme,  curse, spit upon and disgrace Christ and us, that would be simply too much,  as if we did it ourselves and much worse, as you well know. Moses writes in  Deuteronomy that where a city practiced idolatry, it should be entirely  destroyed with fire and leave nothing. If he were living today he would be  the first to put fire to the Jew schools and houses. [followed by proofs  from Scripture.]

            Secondly, that you also refuse to let them own houses among us. For they  practice the same thing in their houses as they do in their schools.  Instead, you might place them under a roof, or stable, like the Gypsies, to  let them know that they are not lords in our country as they boast, but in  exile as captives; like without ceasing they howl bloody murder and  complain about us before God.

            Thirdly, that you take away from them all of their prayer books and  Talmuds wherein such lying, cursing, and blaspheming is taught. Fourthly, that you prohibit their Rabbis to teach. For they have forfeited the right to such an office, because they keep the poor Jews captive  with the passage of Moses 7:11,12, who there commands them to obey their  teachers under threat of losing body and soul. Moses clearly adds, 'What  they teach you according to the law of the Lord.' This the profligates pass  over, and use the obedience of the poor people for their own wilfulness  against the law of the Lord, and pour out for them such poison and blasphemy.

            Fifthly, that protection for Jews on highways be revoked. For they have  no right to be in the land, because they are not lords, nor officials. They  should stay at home. I am told that at this time a wealthy Jew is riding  with twelve horses in our country. He wants to become a Kochab. [Star Bar‑Kochba, 'Star Son,' false Messiah, was leader of the last rebellion of the  Jews against the Romans 132/5 after Christ.]

            He practices his usury on princes and lords, land and people. High  officials close an eye to it. If you princes and masters do not forbid land  and highways to such usurers, I would like to assemble a cavalry against  you, because you will learn from this book what the Jews are and how they  are to be treated and their activities not to be protected. For you should  not and cannot protect them unless you want to be partners of their abominations. What good would be the result, you may well consider and perish.   Sixthly, that their usury be prohibited, which was prohibited by Moses,  where they are not lords in their own country over strange lands, and take  away all the currency and silver and gold and put it away for safe‑keeping.  For this reason, everything they have they have stolen from us (as said  above) and robed through their usury, since they have no other income. Such  money should be used as follows: whenever a Jew is truly converted, he begins one, two, or three hundred flo (measure of money) according to his  person, that he may begin to support his poor wife and child and/or support  the aged and infirm. For such poverty which was obtained dishonestly is  cursed where it is not turned to good use with God's blessing.


                               THEY EVEN BETRAYED MOSES


            Whenever they boast that Moses had permitted them to practice usury  against strangers, (Deuteronomy 23:20, 'Unto a stranger thou mayest lend  upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the  Lord thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the  land whither thou goest to possess it.') Otherwise they have not one letter  in their favor...they are to be given the following answer: There are two  kinds of Jews or Israel. The first are those whom Moses led out of Egypt  into the land of Canaan, as God had commanded him; to them he gave His law,  which they were to keep in that land, not beyond; and that only until  Messiah should come...The other are the Kaiser's (Caesar's) Jews, not  Moses' Jews. They had their origin at the time of the governor Pilate in  the land of Juda. For when he asked them before his tribunal: 'What shall I  do with Jesus who is called the Christ?' They cried: 'Crucify Him, crucify  Him!' He said: 'Shall I crucify your king?' They cried out: 'We have no  king but Caesar (Kaiser).' Such obedience to Caesar, God had not commanded  them, they did this on their own accord. Thereupon when Caesar demanded  obedience, they resisted and rebelled against him, did not want to be  Caesar's now. Then he came and visited his subjects, took them away from  Jerusalem and dispersed them throughout his entire domain where they had to  be obedient.

            Of such are the present remaining dregs of the Jews, of whom Moses knows  nothing; they also know nothing of him, for they do not keep one passage in  Moses. They must first come back into the land of Canaan and become Moses'  Jews, keep his commandment, subdue heathen and strangers under themselves.  There they may practice usury as much as the strangers will stand for.   Since, however, they are disobedient to Moses in a strange land under the  Kaiser, they should keep the Kaiser's law and not practice usury against  their superiors until they become obedient to Moses. For the land which  they should possess on the other side of Canaan or the nation of Israel.  For he was not sent to the Egyptians, Babylonians, or any other nation,  with his law, but solely and alone to that nation which he brought out of  the land of Egypt into the land of Canaan, as he himself often states in  Deuteronomy: They should keep such commandments in the land which they  should possess on the other side of the river Jordan.

            Inasfar as priesthood, ceremonies, principality, which were mostly built   by Moses, have fallen now almost 1400 years ago, it is certain that his  law, which was in existence before that time, also has fallen and come to  an end. Therefore the Kaiser's Jews should be treated according to the  Kaiser's law and not be treated like Moses' Jews of whom for 1400 years  none have existed. For they have no land of their own, much less strange  land, where they might practice usury according to Moses.

            Finally: That young, strong Jews be given flail, ax, spade, spindle, and  let them earn their bread in the sweat of their noses as imposed upon  Adam's children, Genesis 3:19‑‑'In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat  bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for  dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.' For it will not do that  they should let us cursed Goyim work in the sweat of our brow, while they,  the holy people, devour our bread in laziness behind the stove and then  boast that they are masters over the Christians; but their laziness should  be driven from their back.

            Should we be concerned, however, they might do bodily harm to us, to wife  and children, servants, cattle, etc., when they serve us or should be  compelled to work, because it is to be surmised that such noble lords of  the world and poisonous, bitter worms, who are not accustomed to work,  would be very remiss to humble themselves under the cursed Goyim; let us  apply the ordinary wisdom of other nations like France, Spain, Bohemia, et al., who made them give an account of what they had taken from them by  usury and divided it evenly; but expelled them from their country. For, as  heard before, God's wrath is so great over them that through soft mercy  they only become more wicked, through hard treatment, however, only a  little better. Therefore, away with them!


                           CHARITABLE WITH OUR WEALTH


            I hear it said that the Jews give large sums of money and therby are  helpful to the government. Yes, from what do they give it? Not of their  own, but from the property of the rulers and subjects, whom they deprive of  their possessions through usury! And thus the rulers take from the subjects  what the Jews have taken, that is: subjects must give money and suffer  themselves to be fleeced for the Jews so they can remain in the land freely  to lie, slander, curse and steal. Should not the despairing Jews have a  good laugh over the way we suffer ourselves to be fooled and be led around  by the nose to give our money in order that they may stay in the land to  practice all manner of wickedness? On top of all that they even become rich  on our sweat and blood, but we become poor and are sucked dry by them? If  that is right, that a servant, yea, a guest, or a captive may annually give  to his host ten flo, and in return steal a thousand, the servant and guest  will soon be rich and the master and host in a short time a beggar. Even if  the Jews could give the government such sums from their own, which is not  possible, and thereby purchase from us protection openly to lie about,  slander, spit upon, and curse our Lord Christ in their schools; and wish on  us all manner of misfortune, that all of us be stabbed and perish with our  Haman, Kaiser, Princes, Lords, wife and children, that certainly would mean  for Christ our Lord, the entire Christendom together with our principality,  our wives, and children, to be sold miserably cheap.

            The traitor Judas would be valued a much greater saint than we. Yea, if  every Jew could annually give 100,000 flo; yet we should not permit them to  have power to blaspheme, curse, spit upon one single Christian and practice  their usury on him. That would be selling ourselves much too cheap. How  much more unbearable is it that we should permit the entire Christendom and  all of us to be bought with our own money, be slandered and cursed by the  Jews who on top of all that be made rich, and our lords, who would laugh us  to scorn and be tickled by their audcity?

            What a joyful affair that would be for the Devil and his angels and cause  them to laugh through their noses like a sow grinning at her little pigs,  but deserving real wrath before God.


                                    ADVICE TO RULERS


To sum up, dear princes and lords who have Jews under themselves: if my  advice is not acceptable, you may find a better one, that all of us be  relieved of the unbearable, devilish burden of the Jews and not become  partakers before God of all the lies, slander, spitting, cursing of the  raving Jews against the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, His mother, all  Christians, all rulers and ourselves, as they freely and deliberately  practice it. That you do not let them have protection or safe‑conduct, nor  fellowship. Neither permit your money and goods, and the money and goods of  your subjects, to serve the Jews through their usury. We still have plenty  of our own sins and daily add much to them through our ingratitude and  despising God's grace and work; that it is not necessary to add to them  these mean foreign vices of the Jews and also give them our money and  goods. Let us remember that we are daily fighting against the Turk and  therefore are much in need of getting rid of our own sins and of spiritual  growth and improvement. With this I want to have my conscience cleared and  excused as one who has truly exposed the danger and warned against it.   And you, my dear sirs and friends, who are pastors and preachers: I  hereby wish to have dutifully reminded of your office, that you also warn  your parishioners against their eternal ruin, as you well know how to do;  namely, that they be on their guard against the Jews and avoid them. Not  that they should curse them and inflict personal harm! For they have cursed  and insulted themselves too much by cursing the Man Jesus of Nazareth,  Mary's son, as unfortunately they have been doing for 1400 years. In this  respect you may let the government deal with them as I have said. Whether  or not the government does any thing about it, every individual should take  care of himself and his conscience, by keeping before himyself such a  definition or picture of a Jew!


                         DESIRE THE DEATH OF THE CHRISTIANS


Whenever you see or think about a Jew, say to youself as follows: Behold,  the mouth which I see there has every Saturday cursed, execrated, and spit  upon dear Lord, Jesus Christ who has redeemed upon me with His precious  blood; and also prayed and cursed before God that I, my wife and children,  and all Christians should be stabbed and perish in the most miserable  manner‑‑would like to do so himself if he could that he might come into  possession of our goods.

            Perhaps he has this very day often spit on the ground over the Name of  Jhesu (according to their custom) and that the spittle is still clinging to  his mouth and beard where there is still room for it. Should I eat, drink  with, or speak to such a Devilish mug (mouth)? I might devour many Devils,  as for a certainty I would become partaker of all the Devils who live in  that Jew, and would spit upon the precious blood of Christ, God keep me  from doing that!

            If they do not believe as we do, we cannot help it and cannot compel  anyone to accept the faith. We, however, should avoid strengthening them in  their deliberate lying, blasheming, cursing and disgracing, also do not  become partakers of their devilish raving and ranting by according them  protection, meat and drink, lodging and other neighborly kindness.  Especially because they proudly and haughtily boast, wherever we are  friendly to them or serve them. that God has made them to be lords and us  to be servants. As when a Christian on the Sabbath lights their fire and  cooks for them whatever they desire, for which they curse, bespit and  slander us as if they were doing something good, and yet eat up our goods  which they have stolen from us. Such a despairing, evil, poisonous thing it  is with these Jews who these 1400 year have been and still are our plague,  pestilence and all misfortune.


                                  ADVICE TO PREACHERS


            Especially you who are preachers: where there are Jews, diligently insist  that your masters and regents remember the duties of their office as they  owe it to God, and compel the Jews to work, forbid them to practice usury  and stay their blaspheming and cursing. For if they punish thieves,  robbers, murderers, slanderers and other vices among us Christians, why  should the Devil's children among the Jew be free to do such things against  us? Do we not suffer more from them than the Wals from the Spaniards? They  take from their host; kitchen, cellar, chest, money bag, and in addition  curse them and threaten them with death. In like manner we are treated by  the Jews, our guest; we are the host. Thus they rob and deprive us, recline  on our neck, the lazy an idle bellies, are gluttons in eating and drinking,  have easy days in our homes and as a reward curse our Lord Christ, Church,  princes and all of us without ceasing to threaten us and to wish us death  and all misfortune. Just think, how do we poor Christians get that way that  we enrich such idle people, such blaspheming enemies of God and receive  nothing in return but their cursing, slandering and all misfortune that  they can do and wish against us? In this respect we are blind dogs, such as  the Jews are in their unbelief; that we suffer much tyranny from such  merciless knaves, do not see and feel such, to let them be our lords, yea,  our raving tyrants. We are, however, their captives and subjects; and still  they lament that we are holding them as captives, mock us on top of all  that as if we had to accept it from them! If the rulers, however, refuse to  compel them nor restrain their devilish wantonness, that they be driven  from the country, as said, and be told that they move to their own land and  possessions in Jerusalem and there lie, curse, blaspheme, spit, murder,  steal, rob, practice usury, mock, and engage in all such slanderous  abominations as they do among us; and leave us our land, principality,  body, goods, much more, our Lord Jesus, faith and church undisturbed and  unbesmirched with such devilish tyrannies and wickedness. Of course, they  could pretend that this would not help them. For no one has the right to  grant liberty to practice such abominations, and all liberties are thereby  lost.                       After you pastors and preachers have diligently and dutifully issued such  warning, and neither master nor subjects will do anything about it, then  let us (as Christ says) shake the dust from our shoes and say: we are innocent of your blood. For I can see and have often had the experience how  lenient and merciful the reversed world is; where it should be stern, and  again is stern where it should be lenient and merciful. The Prince of this  world rules like King Ahab, II Kings, 20. In like manner they may now want  to be lenient with the Jews, these blood‑thirsty enemies of our Christian  and human name, to earn heaven therewith. But for the Jews to hold in captivity, plague, torture and inflict all misery on us poor Christians with  all such devilish cruelties as described above,‑‑that we should suffer and  is considered a good, Christian indeed, especially where there is money  which they have stolen from us.

            What are we poor preachers to do meanwhile?

            First, we want to believe that our Lord Jesus us truthful when He says of  such Jews who do not accept Him, but crucified Him: 'You are vipers and  children of the Devil.' As His forerunner, John the Baptist also says. Now  such rulers and such merciful saints who wish the Jews well, will be the  last to let us alone to believe our Lord Jesus Christ, who, of course,  knows all hearts better than such merciful saints; that these Jews must be  a generation of vipers and children of the Devil; that is, the Devil. What  good that fellow had done to us, we Christians should have understood long  and well from experience besides the statements of Scripture.   Whoever has a desire to lodge, nurse, and honor such poisonous serpents  and young Devils; that is, the worst enemies of Christ our Lord and of us  all; and permit himself to be abused, plundered, robbed, spit upon, cursed  and suffer all evil, let the Jews be commended to him. If this be not sufficient, let him also be put into his mug or crawl and worship such a sanctuary, and afterward the Devil and his young Devils to blaspheme our dear  Lord and the precious blood with which He has bought us. In that way he  will be a perfect Christian, filled with deeds of mercy, for which Christ  will reward him on Judgement Day with the Jews and eternal hell fire!   If that be rudely spoken it is said to the rude cursing of the Jews! Of  which others write much, which also the Jews well understand that it is  called cursing, as they who thereby knowingly want to curse and blaspheme.   Let us also speak of this in a subtle, and as Christians, in a spiritual  way. Thus says our Lord Jesus Christ: 'Whosoever receiveth Me, receiveth  Him that sent Me.'‑‑Matthew 10:40; 'He that despiseth you, despiseth Me;  and he that despiseth Me, despiseth Him that sent Me.'‑‑Luke 10:16; 'He  that hateth Me, hateth also my Father.'‑‑John 15:23; 'That all men should  honor the Son as they honor the Father. He that honoreth not the Son,  honoreth not the Father who hath sent Him.'‑‑John 5:23.




            Will you say: Yes, the Jews do not believe and do not know this, because  they do not accept the New Testament? I answer: May the Jews know or  believe this or that; we Christians know that they openly blaspheme God the  Father when they blaspheme and curse this Jesus.

            If God would say to us now or on the Day of Judgment: Do you hear, you  are a Christian and know that the Jews openly blasphemed and cursed Me and  My Son, and you gave them a place to do so, also protected and guarded them  so they could do so unhindered and unpunished in your country, city or  house! Tell me: What shall we answer?

[Now follow long dissertations, supported by passages from Scripture  about the Messianic office of Jesus, which are not given here because of  their scientific, theological nature. Finally Luther sums up his presentations as follows:]

            Accordingly, we should not joke about this matter, but very sincerely  find counsel against it and save our souls from the Jews; that is, from  eternal death. As stated before, this counsel is in the first place: that  we refuse them the right to have synagogues, so the world may know that we  do not permit a house to remain in which the Jews have for so long a time  blasphemed our dear Creator and Father, together with His Son, which so far  we had tolerated in ignorance.

            Secondly: That all of their books be taken away; prayer books, Talmuds,  and not one page of it be left; and keep them for those who will become  converted. For they use all of that only to blaspheme the Son of God; that  is God Himself, the Father, Creator of heaven and earth, and will never use  it any other way.

            Thirdly: That among us and in our possessions they be forbidden openly to  praise and thank God, to pray and to teach. Let them do that in their own  country or wherever we Christians do not hear or know about it. The reason  for this: their praise, thanks, prayers, and teachings are nothing by blasphemy, cursing, idolatry; since their heart and mouth call God Father Nebel  Borik, the same as they call His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. For as they  call and honor the Son, so the Father is likewise called and honored. It  will not help them to employ many beautiful words and gloriously use the  Name of God. For it is written: 'Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord,  thy God, in vain.' Just as it did not help their forefathers to use the  Name of God and still call Him Baal in the time of the kings of Israel.               Fourthly: That they be forbidden to mention the Name of God before our  ears, for we cannot suffer that with a clear conscience. When their blasphemous mouth and heart call the Son of God Nebel Borik, they are also  calling the Father by the same name; as we Christians cannot understand it  otherwise. We must believe that as the Son in named or believed to be, even  so the Father is named and believed to be. Therefore the mouth of the Jews  should not be considered worthy to mention the Name of God before our ears;  but whosoever hear it mentioned by the Jews should report it to the rulers,  etc.  And let no one be merciful and kind in this respect; for it concerns  the honor of God and the salvation of us all (also the Jews).  And should they or anyone else propose that they did not mean it so  wickedly, neither knew that with such blasphemy and cursing, they were blaspheming and cursing God the Father; for they most highly and beautifully  praise and honor God, although they slander Jesus and us Christians. That  has been answered above as you heard. If the Jews do not want to know it or  consider it good, we Christians must know it. So the Jews are not excused  because of their ignorance, since God has caused this to be preached for  almost 1500 years so that they are obligated to know this and God also  requires it of them.

            For whosoever hears God's Word for 1500 years and always says: I do not  want to know it! The ignorance of such a one will earn him a mean excuse,  that is, a sevenfold debt.


                               THEIR MESSIAH IS FALSE


            Lastly will I say this for myself: If God would not want to give me a  Messiah who is different from the one the Jews desire and hope for, I would  much rather be a sow than a human being! And I will give you some good  reasons for this: The Jews desire no more from their Messiah than that He  should be a Kochab and a worldly king, who would slay the Christians,  divide the world among the Jews and make them rich lords, and finally die  like other kings and his children after him likewise.

            Of what good would the Jewish Messiah be to me, if he could not help me,  poor human being, against my spiritual loss, and could not make my life one  tenth part as good as that of a sow? I would say: Dear Lord God, keep your  Messiah or give Him to anyone who will  have Him. Me, however, change to a  sow, for it is better to be a living sow than an eternally dying human  being. Yea, as Christ says: 'It were better for that man if he had never  been born!'

            If however, I had a Messiah who could help me in spiritual need; that I  would not have to fear death, would always and eternally be certain of  life, could mock at the Devil and hell and would not have to shiver before  the wrath of God, then my heart would skip for joy and be drunken with  happiness. Then I would light a fire of love for God and never cease to  thank and praise Him. If then he would not give me silver and gold and  other riches, still the whole world would be a paradise to me even if I  should have to live in a prison.

            Such a Messiah we Christians have, and for it we thank God the Father  with full, overwhelming joy of our hearts! Such a Messiah the Jews do not  desire, and of what good would He be to them? They must have one from an  earthly Utopia who would satisfy their stinking belly and die with them  like a cow or a dog.




            In my opinion it will have to come to this: if we are to stay clean of  the Jew's blaspheming and not become partakers of it, we must separate, and  they must leave our country. Thus they could no more cry and lie to God  that we are holding them captive; and we could no more complain that they  plague us with their blaspheming and usury. This is the nearest and best  advice that makes it safe for both parties.

[Here follow longer proofs from Scripture against the accusation of the  Jews against the Christian doctrine.]

            So much writing, good Sir and dear Friend, you have compelled me to do  about your booklet in which a Jew exhibits his cunning arguments against an  absent Christian. Thank God, he would not do so to me at the present time.  I hope that in this booklet a Christian who does not desire to become  Jewish will find sufficient arguments to guard against the blind, poisonous  Jews, and will also become an enemy of the wickedness, lies, and cursing of  the Jews, and come to the knowledge that their belief is not only false,  but that they are also possessed of all the Devils.

            Christ, our dear Lord, graciously convert them and keep us in the  knowledge of Him, which is eternal life, most certainly.  AMEN.   Following are paragraphs taken from various sermons and writings of Dr.  Luther. After each paragraph the original source of the quotation is indicated.


note: quotations from Luther's works marked 'W' originate from the Weimar  Edition, those marked 'E' from the Erlangen Edition.

                                   AN APPRAISAL OF MANKIND                      


Jews are young devils condemned to Hell. (E. 32, p. 276)

            Maybe mild‑hearted and gentile Christians will believe I am too rigourous  and drastic against the poor, afflicted Jews, believing that I ridicule  them and treat them with much sarcasm. By my word, I am far too weak to be  able to ridicule such a santanic breed. I would fain do so, but they are  far greater adepts at mockery than I and possess a God who is master in  this art; it is the Evil One himself. (E. 32, P. 286)

Even with no further evidence than the Old Testament, I would maintain,  and no person on earth could alter my opinion, that the Jews, as they are  today, are veritably a mixture of all the depraved and malevolent knaves of  the whole world over, who have then been dispersed in all countries,  similarly to the Tartars, Gypsies and such folk, to afflict the different  nations with their usury, to spy upon others and to betray, to poison  wells, to deceive and to kidnap children‑‑in short, to practice all kinds  of dishonesty and injury. (Extract from the Phamphlet 'Von Schem Hamphoras  und vom Geschlect Christi.' 1543.)


                                    THE JEWISH DANGER  


            Those Jews professing to be surgeons or doctors deprive the Christians  who make use of their medicaments, of health and properity, for such Jewish  doctors believe they find especial favor with their God if they torment and  furtively kill Christians. And we, fools that we are, even turn for succor  to our enemies and their evil ways in the times when our lives are in  danger, which is indeed sorely trying God's patience. (E. 62, p. 367)


                                    LUTHER’S LEGACY        


            As soon as my principal business has been acomplished, I shall have to  devote myself to the expulsion of the Jews. Count Albrecht is hostile  towards them and he has already abandoned them, but as yet they are being  molested by none. With the help of God I shall, in the sermons I hold from  the pulpit, assist Count Albrecht and shall also abandon them. (Extract  from one of Luther's letters to his wife, shortly before his death.)

                            Luther's Last Sermon:


                             ‘WARNING AGAINST THE JEWS’                     


  .....Besides, you also have many Jews living in the country, who do much  harm...You should know that the Jews blaspheme and violate the name of our  Saviour day for day...for that reason you, Milords and men of authority,  should not tolerate but expel them. They are our public enemies and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, they call our Blessed Mary a harlot  and her Holy Son a bastard and to us they give the epithet of changelings  and abortions. If they could kill us all, they would gladly do so; in fact,  many of them murder Christians, especially those professing to be surgeons  and doctors. They know how to deal with medicaments in the manner of the  Italians‑‑‑the Borgias and Medicis‑‑‑who gave people poison which brought  about their death in one hour or in a month.

            Therefore deal with them harshly as they do nothing but excruciatingly  blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, trying to rob us of our lives, our health,  our honour and belongings....For that reason I cannot have patience nor  carry on an intercourse with these deliberate blasphemers and violators of  our Beloved Saviour.

            As a good patriot I wanted to give you this warning for the very last  time to deter you from participating in alien sins. You must know I only  desire the best for you all, rulers and subjects. (E. 62, P. 189)


The divergencies between the Counts of Mansfeld which were the cause of  his journey.

Held at Eisleben, a few days before his death, February, 1546.


                                 End of this writing.